[PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW MOD NOTE] Kickstarter Update #114 Survey Resend information and PS4 Region Changes and Refund requests.

Can anyone confirm or deny if this digital Shenmue soundtrack I have the option to add-on for $13 is the same as the one that's already included in my reward tier?
I never understood those people (and they do exist, I've seen them!). For some reason, they'd rather get 'The Adventures of Roy and Shannon' than a real Shenmue 3 with full publisher backing.
Fuck all of that, they don't give a shit about the fans, they kickstarted the game in no time using the nostalgia factor, and as soon as they saw the possibility to get a publisher they did it and picked up the worst possible one, and than joined Epic. They are in just for the money, the Shenmue brand was used to move money and that's it. This was my first and only Kickstarter, and it went horribly wrong.

Wish I knew.
Wish I knew.
Seems like they care more about feeling important than the actual game. Hence why they like to refer to themselves as "investors."

Can anyone confirm or deny if this digital Shenmue soundtrack I have the option to add-on for $13 is the same as the one that's already included in my reward tier?
I was only able to back for $100 and I don't have any options for add-ons. So I'm going to say that it's the same one that you're already getting.
Seems like they care more about feeling important than the actual game. Hence why they like to refer to themselves as "investors."

I was only able to back for $100 and I don't have any options for add-ons. So I'm going to say that it's the same one that you're already getting.
Many people clearly don't seem particularly concerned Shenmue was going to be a barely playable QTE-fest before all the money came pouring in. Yu Suzuki said that was pretty much the plan if all they got was $2 million. I'm sure they would've been over-joyed considering everyone was so kind to Shenmue 3 when the first trailers came out and the graphics looked poor.
I am happy they finally sent out the refund surveys, despite the Steam uncertainty.

Still on the fence here about getting a refund - my main gripe still being the pre-order exclusives.
I've been a bit out of touch with the campaign lately, but did they ever confirm whether KS backers will get the pre-order exclusives, or is it still assumed we won't?
It’d be interesting to see how many unique backers are commenting on the latest update and how many of them claim they’re getting or got a refund. More effort than it’s worth so I’ll just forget I thought about that.
I am happy they finally sent out the refund surveys, despite the Steam uncertainty.

Still on the fence here about getting a refund - my main gripe still being the pre-order exclusives.
I've been a bit out of touch with the campaign lately, but did they ever confirm whether KS backers will get the pre-order exclusives, or is it still assumed we won't?
You should be aware that preorder bonuses are not the same as Kickstarter or Slacker Backer rewards.

Backers get backer stuff which no preorder will ever get you. Preorder bonuses are exclusive to preorders and they are different from backer bonuses.
You should be aware that preorder bonuses are not the same as Kickstarter or Slacker Backer rewards.

Backers get backer stuff which no preorder will ever get you. Preorder bonuses are exclusive to preorders and they are different from backer bonuses.
Also, each retailer has different bonuses so you would have to pre-order multiple times to get everything. But yeah, if you pledged less than $80, care about pre-order bonuses, and don't care about your backer-exclusive case, then you'd might as well take the refund and pre-order somewhere else.
It’d be interesting to see how many unique backers are commenting on the latest update and how many of them claim they’re getting or got a refund. More effort than it’s worth so I’ll just forget I thought about that.
Currently @ about 250 comments. Half of those comments are people arguing back and forth with each other or the same person spamming the same angry thing. I assume most of the people seeking refunds are going to be the most active people on Kickstarter and will register their displeasure. Yeah, I don't see these refunds mattering much.
Refunds will be low, I like to think the majority of people who want Shenmue are already in their 30s (that's not to say people younger are the problem per se) or beyond and have matured to the point where they know what daily battles are reasonable and proportional to engage in.. getting your panties in a bunch having to double click on a different launcher isn't one of them.
I don't even think it's that. Most people aren't actively engaged with this stuff. I still see people on social media going, "What, there's going to be a Shenmue 3!?" I'm sure some people who got today's E-mail about refunds have no idea why they're even being offered a refund.

Thought I'd spruce up the Kickstarter front page and posted that amazing list of stuff Peter shared with us the other day. Make people regret their decision to back out of the game. :)