What are you playing?

Heavy rain remaster. I always avoided this game because of its reliance on QTEs for everything but since I got it free with ps+ i decided to give it a try. I have to say that I'm surprised at how much I am enjoying it, even though i already know who the killer is I'm still enjoying the story and characters, I particularly like the ambiance of the game too.

A few minor complaints would be that I am not a big fan of how they implement the QTEs in the action segments. Some of the voice acting is hilariously robotic at times too. But overall an enjoyable game so far, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this genre of game but it is pretty great so far.
I continued playing Metro Exodus on PC. I paused beacuse it was very hot in the last three weeks and it's not good for my Machine. Metro Exodus is my favourite part of the Metro-Series. I like the graphic-effects from smoke and the lightning. Very atmospheric.
Yakuza 5 (PS4 remaster), playing it slow, loving it. I'll eventually 100% it though it'll probably take a couple of months.

Also putting lots of time into Breath of Fire on the GBA as part of my Capcom run. Really enjoying it, I think I'm roughly halfway through now, not much of an RPG fan usually but can't put this game down, a nice simple battle system and some cool characters/attacks. Makes a change from the large amount of Mega Man and Street Fighter I've been playing recently!
(fairly) Final gameplay plan until early 2020--around the beginning of March? Also giving my effort to share and post as much hype as possible on social media. Always wanted to have an excuse for playing Shenmue 2 before Shenmue ch.1!

Syberia 2+Shenmue discs 2+3 (4 hour wait; Big Ox B3)
Pandora Tomorrow (...Alone in the Dark)
Shadow of the Colossus+Myst
*What's Shenmue {August 27th @tweet}
RErev+Shenmue ll HD {September 3rd #tweetathon}
RErev2+Shenmue HD {October 3rd #tweetathon}
*Shenmue ll disc 4 Shenhua's house {November 3rd @#tweets}
[Japanese] SHENMUE lll {tweet/instagram/facebook/VIDEO/BLOG/35MM/DIARY/COMMEMORATIVE STONE ETCHING}
[ENGLISH] Shenmue 3
Last Guardian
Grim Fandango
Yakuza 0+MGS3
Syberia 3+Peace Walker/Ground Zeroes
MGS5+Mega Man Legends 2
Yakuza 6+Mega Man Legends 2
Just played and finished God of War for the PS4. This game is one of the greatest video games every made, I'll definitely be 100% this game some time in the future. Spiderman is the next game I'll be playing.

Tekken 7 -- still toiling away on ranked mode. Still trying to get better at this game.

Crash Team Racing -- mostly been playing online. Damn it's tough to get first place in this game though. Really tough.


Persona 5 -- Platinum Hunt stands at 91% now. I have a mere 4 trophies left until I hit the platinum but it requires another play through (or skim through as I will probably be flying through the cut scenes since I can't see myself doing another 80 hour run like I just did getting all the Confidentials maxed in my second playthrough.

Want to try and get it done before I get my Japanese copy of Persona 5 Royal in October.

Persona Q 2 -- Been working my way through it on train rides to work...it's pretty good. I like it better than Persona Q so far.

Still haven't started JUDGEMENT yet although I have two weeks off from Japanese class so I have two weekends free to churn through that (which I plan to start soon enough)
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Done a small amount more on Yakuza 5. Taking it real slow on this one.

Been playing lots of retro stuff:
Breath of Fire 1 - finished the game today. Story is a bit bare bones not helped by the questionable translation, but gameplay wise its fantastic. Enjoyed pretty much every minute of it.

Wonderboy in Monster Land - the arcade version, since it was released on Switch just a couple of weeks back. And oh boy this game is great. Its yet another great example of tough at the beginning but give it a day or two's solid play and it really clicks. Especially with some of the great Switch additions. Took me a while to reach the final level and get all the gear, but conquering the final level? That's basically its own separate challenge. Took me a few hours to finally nail it, but managed it. I'm really enjoying the Wonder/Monster Boy series.

Fantasy Zone - this I've played thanks to Yakuza a few times, but never to completion. The 3DS version has some fantastic additions that make it a little easier, though that boss rush at the end still requires some skill to clear!

And wow, replaying the last two (Sega) games it once again makes me miss the 80s/90s arcade releases. Sega were pretty much unmatched at the time when it comes to tech and games. I think I only hold Capcom and Konami in as favourable light as Sega.
Lots of time spent with Sega and Capcom this week:

Space Harrier - played this to completion (yay, continues!) on the 3DS. Didn't realise this version has the Master System exclusive end boss if you do good enough on the final level which is awesome - Fantasy Zone had a similar thing with secret bosses on the 3DS version.

Also played some of Outrun, I love the 3D effect in this game, I can see why many people say its the definitive version. Between that and some great, practical difficulty tweaks its definitely the version I love the most!

Now onto Streets of Rage 1 on the 3DS. The 3D effect is great (some cool depth of field stuff) and I'm learning some of the tougher boss patterns (got the claw geezer down good, and the twins somewhat). Its so good. I prefer 2 to 1, but I still really love playing this one through. Quite impressive for the time as well, it can handle far more enemies on screen than Capcom arcade ports at the time. Better soundtracks as well!

Capcom wise I've been working through a couple of Disney 1994 releases - Bonkers and Goof Troop. Bonkers is a so-so platformer, basically a lesser version of Konami's Tiny Tunes games in feel. Its good enough fun, but probably the most forgettable of Capcom's '94 slate. Pretty rare though, I got really lucky getting a complete copy cheap.
Goof Troop on the other hand is excellent. Its a puzzle/action game - basically taking dungeons from Zelda and making them a bit faster paced. I can see why its so beloved. Aside from feeling like Zelda, it feels like an old Capcom arcade/Famicom release "Higemaru". I wonder if the old game influenced this one...
I wanted to platinum the game on release but that completion list was way too much of a grind. I think I gave up half way though or something.

Yeah, same here, I got about 73% completion but I just couldn’t take the grind anymore. I broke once I got to that annoying Rhythm game...I like Rhythm games in general, but that mini game did not click for me at all for whatever reason and that was my breaking point of “fuck this, I ain’t bothering with this Platinum”

Funny considering I did the grind for Yakuza Kiwami 2 and got the platinum for that game, but I just couldn’t be bothered doing some of the grind in Yakuza 0
Finished the second part of Yakuza 5. Taking a short break to work on a few other games before jumping into the next part. Been playing:

Zelda Majora's Mask - Loving this game. The 3 day mechanic, especially with the NPCs is done really well, and repetition seems to have been kept to a minimum. Yet another Nintendo game I'm sure I'll love beginning to end!

Armored Warriors - Another awesome Capcom brawler and one that's insanely fast paced with some awesome ideas (switching mech parts to gain new attacks). Difficulty feels fairly nicely pitched once you get used to it, I've already finished it a good 3-4 times this week and I'll probably finish it a few more times yet!

Mega Man the Wily Wars - Ended up running through all 3 games + Wily Tower this weekend, I'd planned to space it out a bit more but the games are real short (and I know them back to front) so I just raced through it. I still prefer the Playstation ports of the first 3 (well, 6) NES games, but I do love some of the tweaks and additions this game gets.
I beated 6 maps from Amid Evil. There must be a 7th map called "The Void", but i can't find it in the hub (?). I have the gog-version. Where is "The Void"? ^^

It's a good game with many good ideas, good map-design and good monster-design.

Edit: I found it. It was good hidden. ^^
I started playing Jalopy, a road trip game that involves building and maintaining a small car on a trip from East Berlin to Turkey in 1990. It's promising so far, but I encounted a gamebreaking glitch at the first border crossing and will have to start over (it's just about an hour into the game). One weird thing I noticed is that, in spite of the minimalist graphics, my GTX 1070 fan was screaming when I quit the game did not stop even after a long time, so maybe it was caught in a loop, still doing some heavy processing? I ended up restarting my computer. I'll give it another try but if it happens again, I'll just move on to something else.

Resident Evil 4 -- I decided to go back through the Steam version. It's fairly quick to play through and still just as enjoyable as it ever was. Absolutely love it still to this day.


Judgement -- Finally got a start on it :) Finally cracking into it again since I never finished the Japanese version. Good to be back in Kamurocho.
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A customer hooked me up with Spiderman for the Ps4. Looking forward to playing it soon, unfortunately I have been saying that for the past week.....
Spiderman is great fun. The story is pretty good too.
I loved the gamecube one from years ago. So I know am going to love this. Am just waiting for the right time to have 2 or 3 hours to sit and play it and get hooked. The Joy's of being an adult lol
Spidey (PS4) rocks. My favourite game of last year along with Judge Eyes and Monster Hunter World (wow, good year!)

Speaking of MHW, seeing as the DLC launch date is creeping up, I've gotten back into the game to get into shape. And then promptly spent the last two days playing the game. Yup, just as great as I remember, tons of optional quests left as well! Can't wait for Icecborne.

I've also been playing lots more Capcom games, mostly X-Men Children of the Atom this week. I love it, love the characters, big sprites, awesome combat. Magneto is a right evil git though! A monster to beat. Been playing the arcade, PS1 and Saturn versions, no surprise that the PS1 version sucks, the Saturn port rocks but the arcade one is just a little better. Also started to play a bit of Darkstalkers which is a series I've never put enough time into. Yeah, love that as well now that I'm playing it more!

Lastly, sticking with Marvel, I started Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Its good, though has quite a few performance issues of many kinds. I do love the roster, bosses and feel of the combat though.