Shenmue III Gamescom 2019 Content

I think theres a glitch in the trailer where threwater doesnt appear correctly and its just a blue background but im not sure. There are boats in it so it cant be just a wall or something. I wont be able to make sure until I get access to a computer, which wont be for a few days. Again, I think the trailer is awesome (best one yet), so im not trying to be negative just pointing out what I might have noticed.

Some overall thoughts, observations and random ramblings on the trailer.

Atmosphere screams Shenmue!

Ren sounds really good, familiar but still prretty different.

So vibrant! Love me games with a loy of colour. Though i hate purple. Dont @ me.

The rain looks and sounds so soothing. I might just leave it on with the tv off and play it through speakers as a sleep aid.

The cloth physics are so damn cool. Rens jacket, i kinda need it. Hope there is a costume you can buy in game that looks similar. Show them pecks, Ryo!

That pinball like game. I dont get it. Seems to be pure luck? No paddles anywhere.

Title QTE! Ryos face looks kinda derpy here, I hope that it looks more angry thr harder the game gets.

Whats this Rose Garden? I feel like its gonna be some really shady place.

Why are there so many no running signs and how did they afford so much neon!?

Shenhua is at the market a few stalls down from Ryo. Wonder if you can send her out to buy stuff.

Hey Mister, lets go to the arcade!

Theres a type of kick throw where Ryo knocks down an enemy and he gets back up in one of the combat shots.

Ill have to watch it a lot more, it has a lot of stuff. I appreciate the freeroam footage.
Probably would have been better if Yu was there for the interview.

But it reminds me a bit of the GameSpot stream from E3 where they just asked Yu a bunch of generic questions and showed already existing footage.
Now onto Wasteland 3 lol. I wonder if they will be rescheduling another segment with Yu. Sounds like they were meant to have him on stream with them for 30 minutes. That would be cool it see if true. They are both familiar with the games, so would probably end up asking some very good questions.
Well, back to waiting for some of the press interviews/previews then I guess :D

Overall, I think we can already be extremely happy from what we've seen at Gamescom! We have had released, by far, the best trailer for the game and the reception of said trailer has been actually incredible. All the posts I've seen on other (usually cesspit) forums has been really positive, and I sure that the press previews will be too! Bring on mid September and that backer demo :D!