New Shenmue 3 Images from GameInformer - Warning: POSSIBLE DLC STORY SPOILERS

i think there should be a new thread for this Gameinformer video because there are no story spoilers in there
and they dont mention anything about DLCs or characters. only one minor minigame spoiler is in there.
and its only talking, no new footage.
lots of people wont see it because they are afraid to visit this thread here.
- Yu Suzuki said don't play the highest difficulty to them and warned against it (very brutal, gambling ratios changed) "it's a nightmare" said Yu Suzuki.
Haven't read the rest, but for some reason the way Yu is treating this difficulty is hilarious to me. I really love that they apparently went all out on it, it's going to be really fun attempting and watching playthroughs of it.
The travelogue video is out now btw.

It also confirms that Shenmue III does indeed draw from chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 for its story.
From 3 to 6 here?
You know what i just remembered from that IGN Esran Krabbe translation -
Yu Suzuki said there will be DLCs that bring new costumes, a casino and a bit of story.
I mean its pretty obvious that some of these Gameinformer screenshots are DLC
and its "weird" that it says Ryo's full character name in the ingame options menu where you can choose his clothes.

Thats why i think that Niao Sun screenshot is not a screenshot of the normal S3 Niao Sun,
its a screenshot to show a alternative costume from one of the DLCs.
Like a whole costume package and then you can choose in that ingame menu between
"Shenhua: S3 costume, original costume, alternative costume" and Niao Sun is a part of that DLC package.
I'm betting 3500 Shenmue 3 tokens on that. That Niao Sun screenshot is not the normal S3 ingame design.

Shuqin Zhang screenshot - story DLC
Casino screenshot - gambling DLC
Niao Sun screenshot - costume DLC
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Looks like Niao Sun will have red hair after all if this card from the Pix'n Love Limited Edition is anything to go by.

Seems like it yeah. But on the other hand they are still using and older picture of Ryo,
so maybe thats just what they got or picked because it looks cool and not the actual ingame content.
It just would have fit perfectly to Suzukis DLC plans that this Niao Sun design is a DLC that changes her hair to red
and gives her that costume. We will find out really soon.
I think those hoping for DLC outfits for Niao Sun are going to be sorely disappointed. I can imagine DLC for Ryo, Shenhua and possibly Ren but that's it. Doesn't make sense to have DLC costume changes for enemy NPC's.
Lan Di might get some...
I dunno. Has any other game had paid DLC in a story driven game to change costumes for enemy NPC's? Seems kind of greedy and unnecessary. Ryo makes sense obviously and Shenhua as you play the game with her. Anything else feels like reaching.
I dunno but Shenmue 3 is a special case isnt it? Its a KS game to an old frenchise where the creator already has plans to work on the sequel so i feel that all DLC and such will help contribute to that goal despite how weird it might be. For thr record I think its shitty and unecessary to lock alt costumes for Shenhua behind paid DLC but thats likely happening based on Yu Suzuki's comments. But I think due to circumstances I think its understandable to use cosmestics for popular non playable characters as mtx.