New Shenmue 3 Images from GameInformer - Warning: POSSIBLE DLC STORY SPOILERS

The article also confirms an arcade game that some expected from previous images and has probably already been confirmed in the datamined thread:

"a parody of Virtua Fighter staring cutesy birds, called Chobu-chan"

I don't want to spoil the article but the brief bits they discuss about the game sound so good. Definitely an emphasis on NPC's and the details in this game. One bit really made me laugh:

"Ryo peeks through the windows of a nearby apartment building and catches a man flexing in the mirror. Suzuki tells us that this character is actually modelled after a Kickstarter backer."
They need to add a target dummy like the one inch punch with names of those refunding. Those that wanted their names off the credits. So not in credits, but used in the game. The biggest refunders with lists of demands and CCP posts should be on the dart boards. One in particular on the 100 mark. Oh how fun that'd be... We can all dream, can't we?
Dude. That's really what comes down to.
Yu Suzuki is a master of this video game shit. How many time did we hear that? It's not by accident.
He knew from the beginning what sacrifices he would have to make, and made them like a man. Knowing it would be for the better overall experience. Clearly he opted to give a complete, full, fun and detailed expirence rather that put some stupid ass actors in his studio making face-mo-cap. He knows what he's fucking doing.
We will soon have a masterpiece on our hands.

Some of you may remember I said this game was going to surprise a lot of people.
And the demo by itself already did.
Now, it comes to my mind that the game not only going to surprise, but its going to blow many peoples minds.

Yu Suzuki is a living legend in video-game world. He's no schmo.
Then I see people getting all depressed and cry over the lipsync or the colour of a hair or dress... Jesus... what a bunch of pussies. with all respect.
(criticizing is allowed ofc, this is just what I think. )
I prefer new Ryo, and new Shenhua.
They don't even look so very different. Now 2015 E3 versions were so horrible, those I'd hate in the final. The ones in the demo I had zero problems with. I've even tried to understand some comments on the face details for Ryo. I liked him as is. I looked at a higher rez art shoved in my face as an example he has to look like to be perfect.... He already looks a lot like that pic. Other than wanting an actor to be captured, which would raise right away the complaints he doesn't look like Ryo, I don't see what more could be done. His face does move even in the demo, the parts they did put in by then I guess, and it looked natural when he reacted. I saw no negatives on Ryo, or Shenhua. That's not so with other NPCs shown so far. Especially the muscled up guy. I hope his face WAS worked on these months. Even if not, those aren't the main actors...
Good comparison.

Mind you, people have been shitposting for the last 3 years, that the entire Yakuza series on PS4, looks like early PS3 games, so there's no pleasing everyone.
Probably for the same reasons. They have to look like the chars from number 1 and on. The looks are not what turned me off of Yakuza. Hopefully soon after Shenmue 3, I'll try Yakuza zero, see if the highly improved version is better for me. I refuse to before playing Shenmue 3. I refuse to even entertain the idea Shenmue 3 looks worse than Yakuza any number. From YouTube videos it sure doesn't. I will see in 2020 I guess.
Excellent! Can we try to predict that Shenmue III ending will include some sort of travel to a mountain city?
He said no in one interview. He had a picture of it on the wall, was asked if it was in Shemue 3, said not yet. It won't get that far in 3. I so hope he's not trying to jump over his head. He better have solid as a rock deals with Deep Silver and more already hammered out...
Dude. That's really what comes down to.
Yu Suzuki is a master of this video game shit. How many time did we hear that? It's not by accident.
He knew from the beginning what sacrifices he would have to make, and made them like a man. Knowing it would be for the better overall experience. Clearly he opted to give a complete, full, fun and detailed expirence rather that put some stupid ass actors in his studio making face-mo-cap. He knows what he's fucking doing.
We will soon have a masterpiece on our hands.

Some of you may remember I said this game was going to surprise a lot of people.
And the demo by itself already did.
Now, it comes to my mind that the game not only going to surprise, but its going to blow many peoples minds.

Yu Suzuki is a living legend in video-game world. He's no schmo.
Then I see people getting all depressed and cry over the lipsync or the colour of a hair or dress... Jesus... what a bunch of pussies. with all respect.
(criticizing is allowed ofc, this is just what I think. )
While I don't want to call anyone pussies, I do agree with people maybe sometimes forgetting to see the bigger picture. Yu is an absolute expert at directing and producing, imo the absolute best in the industry. And it's not even close. The fact we're getting such an immense, in-depth, and beautiful product even WITH the meager budget, having to pull an entirely new dev team out of his ass on the fly, practically a decade out of the console development business, etc etc... It's a fucking miracle. Yu is just an absolute freak of nature prodigy at this sort of thing, a once in a lifetime kind of guy. Have some damn trust in him, and maybe send him a fucking thank you on twatter while you're at it for the amazing trial.
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Looks like Niao Sun will have red hair after all if this card from the Pix'n Love Limited Edition is anything to go by.
Why couldn't the same grandeur be for the PC version... Why couldn't Tim Sweeney fund the same stuff from even the same factory already making the PS4 items... He'd so shut so many critics up so easily. Even though I still say digital in the broadband era is just fine. But these things for the shelf could still sure be made for pennies. Oh well, I'll live.
Yeah, but it makes sense if she is a character who has seductive charisma, one's first impression of her would not be that she's seriously dangerous. That would only be revealed later on. Citation: my prior relationships...
Lady Winter from The Three Musketeers. Deadly beauty.
They don't even look so very different. Now 2015 E3 versions were so horrible, those I'd hate in the final. The ones in the demo I had zero problems with. I've even tried to understand some comments on the face details for Ryo. I liked him as is. I looked at a higher rez art shoved in my face as an example he has to look like to be perfect.... He already looks a lot like that pic. Other than wanting an actor to be captured, which would raise right away the complaints he doesn't look like Ryo, I don't see what more could be done. His face does move even in the demo, the parts they did put in by then I guess, and it looked natural when he reacted. I saw no negatives on Ryo, or Shenhua. That's not so with other NPCs shown so far. Especially the muscled up guy. I hope his face WAS worked on these months. Even if not, those aren't the main actors...
They fixed turtle race guy, they might have fixed Mr. Muscles.

Actually I think that is my one major complaint about the games graphics; the seemingly entirely random discrepency between quality of characters. Yes, some characters from Shenmue 1 and 2 were definitely more stylized compared to others but they still looked like they came from the same game and same universe. In Shenmue 3 some characters look like they are made from mud or like they have the skin of Lord Zedd's puttys. I dont understand it. I know Yu Suzuki said some artists are better at different types of objects or characters but still, i find it kinda distracting.

Not enough to affect my hype for the game tho. I am more than convinced I will love it.
Seems these are officially on gamestop shelves. Will be calling my local store in a bit and taking a trip there before dinner tonight, if so.

EDIT yes, they do, whoo! Was going to wait 'til Nov 3 for a Shenmue Day activity, but I'll pre-pay another one of my 4 pre-orders, instead. Anyone across the pond want me to grab extras to send over?
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He wanted her to look more like the original concept for Shenhua
I remember him saying after many retries he was finally happy with her looks. If he is, that's enough for me. It's the other chars I'm not happy with until I see them changed in the final version. I mean look at her eyes here, so much better than anything in 1 or 2. Outfits you can very likely buy or win for her also. She doesn't have to be in one outfit only.
MOD NOTE: Please do not post or discuss the DLC images outside of this thread.

So in the latest GameInformer they have a 10 page article on the history of Shenmue 3 and getting it made. The article also features a mish-mash of images to accompany the article but also there's some images in the gallery that seem to be of upcoming DLC?! At least that's what the title of the images would suggest. Here's some of them starting with the normal images:






Character Art












There were other images too but only what we've already seen. I included the filenames of the last three images because uh... holy fuck, it says DLC and Story Quest Pack. I'm assuming this is what Yu Suzuki referenced in a recent interview about DLC when he mentioned story and casino DLC. Also, LOOK WHO IT FUCKING IS!