If Shenmue The Anime gets a Season 02...what would you want for it to add considering Shenmue III's weaker storytelling?

Talked about this one the anime stream but what I really want is to hear more of Iwao's time in Baliu - We got a snippet from Master Feng but n oway near enough! Also to see further training with Master Feng too - in Shen 3, you can go back and spar but nothing comes from that!

Also, I want to know more about Ryo's mother, all we got was a Haiku at a temple and I still an't beleieve Ryo wouldn't be more inquisitive!

Then if anything just more of an interesting take on the Niaowu portion. Less copy and past moments from Bailu, maybe have Ryo and the broom girl take out some Red Snakes rather than Ryo turning up AFTER they ransacked the place - This building more conflict between Ryo an the gang.

Ditch the Niao Sun in disguise twist - It didn't work at all! Nor does her being in disguise even suit her character. I want to see her as a leader of the Red Snakes and not just the person behind the scenes pulling the strings.

I think the Castle section is fine - other than that weird pizza dish quest before the main event.

Then for the end, I jsut feel that what Shenhua's 'father' had to say at the end didn't hold any big meaning - Maybe he could reveal something about the murial in the cave?
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I don't think much of Shenmue 3 was really significant enough to build a whole, or even half a game around. Niaowu should really just have been a pass through and I hope that's how they handle it in the anime, presuming we get a second season.

I assume there's a whole new team writing this anime and I can't picture them seeing much value in Niaowu and I hope they'll handle it appropriately when they get to that point in the anime.

I'm terrible at names so forgive me, but most of the events in Shenmue 3 weren't any more significant than the homeless man in the pier, and the old martial arts master under the red tree in Shenmue 2. We know the homeless man is in the anime, so I would think that all the Shenmue 3 moments get about the same treatment as those two passing (but incredibly memorable except their names for me) characters.

*nevermind, this topic is specifically about Shenmue 3, lol.
I would beyond excited if the season of the Shenmue Anime to be premiered tomorrow was the second, and I knew the Shenmue III storyline, that felt like a draft, would be properly fulfilled.

First, they should properly tell the journey of Shenhua and Ryo towards Bailu from Shenmue II. That should be pivotal for the series, and could make an excellent first episode. Afterwards, I agree they should make Ryo learn A LOT more things about Iwao and Zhao in Bailu in the anime. And I'd also say they should also make Ryo and Shenhua interested about the cave, the stone pit, the prophecy, and Yuan's letter. I'd hope they ditch the "Bailu in siege by a gang" thing, or they reserve it for the very end at least.

I don't think they should ditch Niaowu, but they should make it a vehicle for delving into Niao Sun and the Chiyoumen. Ditch the blue spiders gang and his pointless leader, and make her and the Chiyoumen themselves be the ones moving the threads behind the curtain, extorting the luxurious and successful tourist shops, and cementing their power from it. Just like she is an specialist in disguise, her city could be also "disguising" itself as something really different than what it seems at first.

Then, if they are cramming the full Shenmue 1+2 storyline in one season, the second season should leave plenty of room for going much beyond all this, and incorporate Baisha and Shenmue IV arcs.
Cutting Niaowu would be a complete waste of potential. There are several characters that deserve more screen time than they got in III and, with some simple tweaks (e.g. dropping the more gamey "now buy a really expensive move scroll") , it could easily be shaped into an awesome 3-4 episodes.

They could put more emphasis on Shenhua experiencing the Big City. The bustle of Niaowu is purposefully contrasted against the sleepiness of Bailu. To change that would be an extreme deviation. They could include a tournament at the Rose Garden...there are actually a bunch of cool moments in search of the Red Snakes in III (the trashed temple, the chase scene through the streets, the casino fight, finding the hideout with Ren, etc.)

I didn't love the structure of Niaowu, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water, is what I'm saying. The anime !== the video game.

...make the nighttime conversations with Shenhua more substantial.
They could put a version of the "talking to animals" convo in there, Ryo discussing his memories of Iwao, and more. There's plenty to choose from.
I agree with orient, would be a complete waste of potential. A second season would be a perfect opportunity to enhance the Shenmue III story, to make the story even better so i don't understand this about cut out Niaowu.

In my opinion Shenmue III have many interesting characters that could have more story and screen time and development in the second season.

Now i will show some characters i would like to see having more screen time and development in the second season of the anime.


These characters and many other characters.

For example... can you all imagine if in the first season we see in detail the trip to Hong Kong? this would be beautiful.

I really hope we get a second season, anime is a beautiful medium to enhance even more the Shenmue story.
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I respect all the opinions here i just don't agree that Niaowu was pointless, unnecessary and that nothing important happened, as far as i know the Fortified Castle is in Niaowu and a lot of important things happened in the castle.

The presentation of some things could have being better in Niaowu? yeah, more scenes and character development for the side characters Shiling Lin, Qiu Hsu and Grandmaster Bei, Grandmaster Bei appeared a little bit more than the others because Bei trained Ryo, but it would have been nice if Bei had appeared even more.

More scenes and character development for the side characters in Niaowu is one of the things that could have been better in Niaowu, but it is not a pointless location in my opinion, many important things happened.

Maybe i'm forgetting some things, i need to play Shenmue III again to remember all the details but right now this is the Important things that happened in Niaowu in my opinion.

1. Introduction of the character Feng Li/Niao Sun on the boat when Ryo and Shenhua arrived in Niaowu, indicating she has possibly been following them for a while. During the Niaowu part of the game Feng Li/Niao Sun appear sometimes and attempts to befriend Ryo and Shenhua and gain their trust.

2. Ryo and Ren seeing each other again, Ren is an important character so it was a big and important moment to see Ren back in the story. Ren helped Ryo in many parts of the story in Niaowu like fighting with Longqi Ge, Shenmue is a martial arts story so it was a big moment to fight the leader of the Red Snakes Longqi Ge, Ren and Ryo lost the fight, and was beautiful to see Ryo winning against Longqui Ge in the final moments of the game, showing that Ryo is progressing in martial arts, showing that Ryo is becoming stronger.

In the first game we have many moments like this as well, moments where Ryo fight thugs and Mad Angels, i like this type of moments in Shenmue III as well where Ryo fights the Red Snakes and Blue Spiders, like i said Shenmue is a martial arts story so it is nice and interesting seeing this moments in the story.

3. Ryo meeting Grandmaster Bei, training and learning the reverse body check with Bei (body check and reverse body check are not the same move) the master of Ryo in Niaowu is Grandmaster Bei, It was really interesting to see Ryo going to many places and learning about the animals styles in Kung Fu, like i said Shenmue is a martial arts story so everything about martial arts are important to the story in my opinion, Ryo learning new moves and progressing as a martial artist is super important to the story in my opinion, was really interesting for me to see this things.

4. Ryo and Shenhua conversations in the hotel in Niaowu, sadly it is not super deep conversations with options to choose like the conversations they had in Bailu but it helped for the bond between them gets even stronger. One of the things about Shenmue III to me is Ryo and Shenhua living together, getting to know each other better, and strengthening the bond between them. Ryo is not alone anymore, Shenhua is in the journey with Ryo and now Shenhua is an important person for Ryo and Ryo is an important person for Shenhua, they had some nice conversations in Niaowu as well.

5. Everything that happened in the Fortified Castle is important, Fortified Castle is in Niaowu.

A second season is the perfect opportunity to put Baisha in the anime, Baisha was going to be an important location in Shenmue III so it's sad that Baisha isn't in the game.

I love Shenmue III but some things could have been done in a better way. It is important to remember that Shenmue III is a kickstarter game, Yu Suzuki is not with SEGA anymore and the full Shenmue experience is not something easy to do in my opinion, as far as i know Yu Suzuki had a limit budget and time to do the game, was not the same thing like in his SEGA days.

The game was delayed 2 or 3 times, and with some interviews with Yu Suzuki it is clear to me that Yu Suzuki wanted to do more with the game but probably because of budget and time Yu Suzuki and the team had to release the game, Yu Suzuki even said that his score for Shenmue III is probably 7.5. so it is clear to me that Yu Suzuki wanted to do more with the game, it is sad but it is what it is, but even with limited budget and time what Yu Suzuki and the team achieved is really beautiful in my opinion.

If a second season happen i just hope that they can expand the story of Shenmue III, even more details, moments and development in the story and with the characters in Bailu and Niaowu, and put Baisha in the anime, a second season is the perfect opportunity to do this things about the Shenmue III story.
I'll keep it short , so forgive me if I overlook some of your points. Fortified Castle was originally Baisha. In fact there was a Kickstarter update talking about Baisha being restructured into fortified castle area.

So I think for the Anime, it makes more sense to keep Baisha in its original form, no need to downgrade it, like the game did.

Also, I don't see why Niaosun couldn't take Yuan and/or Shenhua straight to Baisha after she captures them. Also Ren could show up eating noodles in Bailu market square to meet Ryo again. And Niaosun could come into Bailu disguised as a traveller, and trick Ryo to learn about the Phoenix Mirror there.

I 100% agree with you that S3 was basically one huge pile of wasted story potential all around, we all know that. I just don't see the signifficance Niaowu holds. Bailu yes, Niaowu no.
I'll keep it short , so forgive me if I overlook some of your points. Fortified Castle was originally Baisha. In fact there was a Kickstarter update talking about Baisha being restructured into fortified castle area.

So I think for the Anime, it makes more sense to keep Baisha in its original form, no need to downgrade it, like the game did.

Also, I don't see why Niaosun couldn't take Yuan and/or Shenhua straight to Baisha after she captures them. Also Ren could show up eating noodles in Bailu market square to meet Ryo again. And Niaosun could come into Bailu disguised as a traveller, and trick Ryo to learn about the Phoenix Mirror there.
Yes, i know Fortified Castle was originally Baisha but i like Niaowu as well. One of the important things about Niaowu is Ryo meeting Grandmaster Bei, training with Bei and learning the reverse body check, also Niaowu was the introduction of the important character Niao Sun, also was in Niaowu that Ryo saw Ren again, Ren is back in the story in Niaowu, the anime team can do more screen time for many characters in a second season.

Shenmue is a martial arts story so everything about martial arts about the story is important in my opinion.

Everytime Ryo learn a move with masters like Sun and Bei the story progress as well, shows that Ryo is progressing in martial arts and this is super important to the story in my opinion.

About Niao Sun in Niaowu they can enhance Niao Sun there, make things even better, the side characters like Shiling Lin and Qiu Hsu as well and many other characters, the tournament idea that orient said is a beautiful idea, so many possibilities of things the anime team can do about Niaowu in the anime.

I 100% agree with you that S3 was basically one huge pile of wasted story potential all around, we all know that. I just don't see the signifficance Niaowu holds. Bailu yes, Niaowu no.
I never said that Shenmue III was basically one huge pile of wasted story potential all around. I never said this and i love Shenmue III.

What i said was that would be a complete waste of potential if they cut out Niaowu in the anime, i said this because the story of Shenmue III can get even better but i don't think this way you wrote.

I think a second season can enhance Niaowu, you think they just need to cut out the location. I think to end my post all i can say is that i disagree with you but i respect your opinion.
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Looking back Shenmue 3 had a real good cast of characters. Some of them were interesting. I feel that the Shenmue games have always been told from Ryo's perspective though, I'm not saying there didn't need to be more scenes as there did but I feel the Anime is going to be very different in terms of story. I can already see there being scenes that went on off screen. Like between Terry and Lan Di maybe? I really hope we get up to Shenmue 3 with the Anime. It's going to be so good to see scenes with Lan Di and Niao-Sun, Lan Di and Longqi Ge? or finding out who ordered the Blue Spiders to look for the Phoenix Mirror at Baliu. More Chai scenes.

Let's hope for the best for the future of Shenmue.
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Yes, i know Fortified Castle was originally Baisha but i like Niaowu as well. One of the important things about Niaowu is Ryo meeting Grandmaster Bei, training with Bei and learning the reverse body check, also Niaowu was the introduction of the important character Niao Sun, also was in Niaowu that Ryo saw Ren again, Ren is back in the story in Niaowu, the anime team can do more screen time for many characters in a second season.

Shenmue is a martial arts story so everything about martial arts about the story is important in my opinion.

Everytime Ryo learn a move with masters like Sun and Bei the story progress as well, shows that Ryo is progressing in martial arts and this is super important to the story in my opinion.

About Niao Sun in Niaowu they can enhance Niao Sun there, make things even better, the side characters like Shiling Lin and Qiu Hsu as well and many other characters, the tournament idea that orient said is a beautiful idea, so many possibilities of things the anime team can do about Niaowu in the anime.

I never said that Shenmue III was basically one huge pile of wasted story potential all around. I never said this and i love Shenmue III.

What i said was that would be a complete waste of potential if they cut out Niaowu in the anime, i said this because the story of Shenmue III can get even better but i don't think this way you wrote.

I think a second season can enhance Niaowu, you think they just need to cut out the location. I think to end my post all i can say is that i disagree with you but i respect your opinion.
I can't remember the names of many S3 characters but I guess you mean Broom Girl, Cormorant Guy and Overweight Guy from Niaowu who looks like Zixiong - again, forgive me if I misunderstand, because I'm really not good with S3 names - I think this where I'd hope for the Anime team to radically restructure the storytelling.

I don't see why Ryo should learn the same move two times over to beat two "big boy" characters. There's no need for both of them so you could either cut out Yanlang or Mr Muscles.

As for the other martial arts practitioners you mentioned, I think it's sufficient to treat them the way the game treated Yamagishi, Mizuki, Delin, Hanhui or Green Market Kung Fu Teacher (forgot his name). Yes, those characters are awesome and they can teach Ryo moves but most of them aren't super fleshed out.

I'm not saying to drop all the characters from S3. Cormorant Guy could be fishing by the Big river in Bailu or by Langhuishan Peer, Broom Girl could be In one of the temples in Bailu and Zixiong could be just a sparring partner in Bailu. No need for a second Zixiong with different hair though.

With that said though, if we get a second season of the Anime, I'll be happy, no matter how they decide to write the rest of the story.:D
I don't see why Ryo should learn the same move two times

Body check and reverse body check are not the same move.

This is clear in the game in my opinion, and if you search more informations about Virtua Fighter you will see more what i'm talking about but i will put here because i don't like misinformation in the Shenmue community.

Ryo learned the Body Check and the Reverse Body Check in Shenmue III, in Virtua Fighter the names of the moves are Youshin Senrin and Kouzanheki, this connection is beautiful, i love that Ryo learn Akira moves, Ryo learning bajiquan moves it is super important to the story, this progress the story as well.

Body Check in Virtua fighter and Shenmue III, the name of the move in VF is Youshin Senrin


Reverse body check in Virtua Fighter and Shenmue III - the name of the move in Virtua Fighter is Kouzanheki, and if we look at the Shenmue III images we can even see that the kanji are different.


How to do the moves in VF


Not the same moves to me.

Important informations from the Shenmue Wiki.

The Reverse Body check consists in deflecting a thrusting attack from an opponent to move behind their back and perform the Body Check technique, therefore it's necessary that the performer already mastered this move.

Body Check (Hànzì: 鉄山靠, Pinyin: Tiěshānkào, On'yomi: Tetsusankō; lit. Iron Mountain Leaning)
Reverse Body Check (Hànzì: 鷂子穿林, Pinyin: Yàozichuānlín, On'yomi: Yōshisenrin)
The translation of the name of this technique is "Harrier Through the Forest".

I'm not here trying to change your opinion, nothing like that, if you want to think that Body check and Reverse body check are the same move then go ahead, i want to finish this post by saying the same thing i said in my previous post, all i can say is that i disagree with you but i respect your opinion.
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Body check and reverse body check are not the same move.

This is clear in the game in my opinion, and if you search more informations about Virtua Fighter you will see more what i'm talking about but i will put here because i don't like misinformation in the Shenmue community.

Ryo learned the Body Check and the Reverse Body Check in Shenmue III, in Virtua Fighter the names of the moves are Youshin Senrin and Kouzanheki, this connection is beautiful, i love that Ryo learn Akira moves, Ryo learning bajiquan moves it is super important to the story, this progress the story as well.

Body Check in Virtua fighter and Shenmue III, the name of the move in VF is Youshin Senrin


Reverse body check in Virtua Fighter and Shenmue III - the name of the move in Virtua Fighter is Kouzanheki, and if we look at the Shenmue III images we can even see that the kanji are different.

View attachment 13982

Important informations from the Shenmue Wiki.

The Reverse Body check consists in deflecting a thrusting attack from an opponent to move behind their back and perform the Body Check technique, therefore it's necessary that the performer already mastered this move.

Body Check (Hànzì: 鉄山靠, Pinyin: Tiěshānkào, On'yomi: Tetsusankō; lit. Iron Mountain Leaning)
Reverse Body Check (Hànzì: 鷂子穿林, Pinyin: Yàozichuānlín, On'yomi: Yōshisenrin)
The translation of the name of this technique is "Harrier Through the Forest".

I'm not here trying to change your opinion, nothing like that, if you want to think that Body check and Reverse body check are the same move then go ahead, i want to finish this post by saying the same thing i said in my previous post, all i can say is that i disagree with you but i respect your opinion.
That is some great detailed information there Hiki. I never thought they were the exact same move, just similar or that as Ryo only used the Body Check once in battle, then he needed to properly master the move. I loved seeing it when Ryo fought Ge at the castle, he didn't expect it. As awesome as the move was, it's a shame we couldn't use it in battle but still great to see in cutscenes. Shenmue III's main story was Ryo's training but I feel that doesn't excuse the lack of other story content.

It will be a real shame if those moves just suddenly disappeared if we ever get a Shenmue 4.
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Thanks @adom11800 , and i agree it's a shame we couldn't use it in battle and only saw it in a cutscene, maybe in Shenmue IV.

I loved seeing it when Ryo fought Ge at the castle as well. when Ryo won this battle in my opinion is to show how much Ryo is progressing as a martial artist, showing this progress is important for the Shenmue story because Shenmue is a martial arts story so i love this moment.
Thanks @adom11800 , and i agree it's a shame we couldn't use it in battle and only saw it in a cutscene, maybe in Shenmue IV.

I loved seeing it when Ryo fought Ge at the castle as well. when Ryo won this battle in my opinion is to show how much Ryo is progressing as a martial artist, showing this progress is important for the Shenmue story because Shenmue is a martial arts story so i love this moment.
Yeah man and I believe we will see much more of that in Shenmue IV as Ryo couldn't even hit Lan Di lol. That was another good thing I liked about Shenmue 3. No matter how much Ryo has progressed in his martial arts training, how good he's gotten, he still couldn't even get close to beating Lan Di. That just showed how insanely good Lan Di is.
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Not even Iwao managed to hit Lan Di in the first game, regarding the story progress i love that Ryo lost to Lan Di, Ryo will improve even more in my opinion, and probably the time will come when Ryo will surpass Lan Di, the time when Ryo will probably look similar to Akira, that will be beautiful to see.
Wow !
I believed everyone would answer this question the way I would do it. But it seems no one does.

If there is a Season 2, it will be the best occasion ever to learn about the lost chapter 3 (Suzhou) and 4 (Shanghai) from the original script. The former was simply cut, when the latter had some ideas reused with the martial arts tournament ar the end of Shenmue 2.

I would totally love it if they would use the 3rd and 4th book Yu did write, so there would be many adventure elements before Ryo arrives in Guilin and meets Shenhua. It would also leave some room for a potential development of S4 without spoiling the story if a season 2 covers chapters 2 to 6 and ends at the same point Shenmue 3 does.
Wow !
I believed everyone would answer this question the way I would do it. But it seems no one does.

If there is a Season 2, it will be the best occasion ever to learn about the lost chapter 3 (Suzhou) and 4 (Shanghai) from the original script. The former was simply cut, when the latter had some ideas reused with the martial arts tournament ar the end of Shenmue 2.

I would totally love it if they would use the 3rd and 4th book Yu did write, so there would be many adventure elements before Ryo arrives in Guilin and meets Shenhua. It would also leave some room for a potential development of S4 without spoiling the story if a season 2 covers chapters 2 to 6 and ends at the same point Shenmue 3 does.

The content of the original scripts/novels looks really interesting so the anime would be a perfect opportunity to put this locations, i agree with you about adding this locations in future seasons but we don't know where exactly the first season will end, probably in Guilin.

All i know is that the anime is the perfect opportunity for Yu Suzuki tu put this chapters in the story in anime form, this way adding even more things to the story, i really hope one day we can at least read all the content from The Legend Of Akira scripts/novels.
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I have a feeling we will see the trip to Hong Kong in detail in the anime, i think i feel this way because they are adding so much content that happened before the first game, things that are new to us, so is possible that maybe we will see the trip to Hong Kong in detail this time.
I have a feeling we will see the trip to Hong Kong in detail in the anime, i think i feel this way because they are adding so much content that happened before the first game, things that are new to us, so is possible that maybe we will see the trip to Hong Kong in detail this time.
Hopefully yeah.