YouTube pre-roll ad trailer.

Too bad because the vid's nice. But it just adds to the 'what the fuck is this game?" feeling I sense most people will get watching the ad.
Here you go, still processing so will improve:

Screen capture was direct, but the audio was recorded with a second phone as my screen capture app wouldn't allow me to record audio without rooting it. It's not in perfect sync, but should do until we get a direct capture!


That VO... Yikes.

Also Ryo is gonna get fuckin annihilated. Geeze.
Awesome ad! Watched it so many times now! The mirror just looks incredible with so much detail, and the shine that it has looks so good!

You can tell that the VO has been cut up and sliced together as the "flow" of the speech is a bit disjointed. I think that's what people are trying to get at when they say that it sounds robotic. If you were to put some space inbetween the lines, I'm sure it'd sound a lot better. I guess they've done this to fit it all into the ad, as they have a very short amount of time to work with.