The new Shenmue Dojo in one word

Absolutely, i agree. But the problem at the moment is if we make changes (say add borders) to the main page and stuff, we have to take that into account across all platforms the site is being viewed on; widescreen televisions, 4:3 PC monitors, tablets, mobile devices, laptops. A change may look good on one platform, but mess up another. You have my word though, we will continue to work on it.

But that extension makes the site look pretty cool!! @Mattis what do you think?
@Peter Iove dark themes ❤️ There are reasons for why we did what we did, but let’s talk about it. We can make it look even better then that. Just going to require some work. I have a couple of ideas thought ??
I really like it! Any chance we can bring back the "Currently Playing" and "Favorite Title" subheads below our usernames? I really loved those for some reason >_>
...sorry but you asked, at least the Forum is Decent.
Straight to the point ;) To be honest, I wouldn't say ugly but rather that it fits in with common current webdesign (flat, lots of whitespace, grid/tile based) which I'm not a huge fan of. The site just shares that style. Actually, I'm making a site for myself right now, followed current design guidelines and it started to look that way too despite me not really being into it, haha. I'll have to change some details.

Absolutely, i agree. But the problem at the moment is if we make changes (say add borders) to the main page and stuff, we have to take that into account across all platforms the site is being viewed on; widescreen televisions, 4:3 PC monitors, tablets, mobile devices, laptops. A change may look good on one platform, but mess up another. You have my word though, we will continue to work on it.
I know, it's difficult. It was easier before when you could make a site optimized for 2-3 screen sizes and browsers. If users used something else and things didn't look 100% correct : tough luck, use something more current or whatever :p

A bit off topic about websites in general. A disadvantage with catering to many platforms is that you need to adapt to the lowest common denominator. Which makes (I think) many sites from Ebay to IGN, Gamespot, Paypal, news etc. look more similar with less personality compared to before. Separate mobile versions used to be more common until management in big corporations wanted to cut costs.
I preferred the old site because it actually gave a "Shenmue" vibe and I think that's important. If you look at Hazuki Dojo for example, they have actual images from Shenmue that perfectly blend in with the forum design and that really gives it a special feeling. I still like this one though, but if you want to take it to the next level then make it more Shenmue-themed.