The new Shenmue Dojo in one word

Loved the new forum! The main site is cool, but maybe too much white? That makes it difficult to read... a little more of gray/dark background like the forum would be much appreciated for me & my eyes. Anyway, great work!
Loved the new forum! The main site is cool, but maybe too much white? That makes it difficult to read... a little more of gray/dark background like the forum would be much appreciated for me & my eyes. Anyway, great work!

That's 41 words, and I'm being generous!
Just to show my point more visually, this is the new Shenmue Dojo using the Chrome extension "Dark reader".
(At least an option to turn everything black like YouTube "lights out" would be nice! :grinning:)


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I’m going to cheat slightly and have 1 word each for the forum and the main site.

Forum - Awesome!
Main Site - Stylish
Just to show my point more visually, this is the new Shenmue Dojo using the Chrome extension "Dark reader".
(At least an option to turn everything black like YouTube "lights out" would be nice! :grinning:)

Absolutely, i agree. But the problem at the moment is if we make changes (say add borders) to the main page and stuff, we have to take that into account across all platforms the site is being viewed on; widescreen televisions, 4:3 PC monitors, tablets, mobile devices, laptops. A change may look good on one platform, but mess up another. You have my word though, we will continue to work on it.

But that extension makes the site look pretty cool!! @Mattis what do you think?