SEGA Announces The Mega Drive 2, Boasting 50 Games

Don't worry, Saturn & DC mini comes next. SEGA has been naturally walking around it but now they are at end road. I don't see 32x mini happening.
My wishlist:
SEGA Dreampad
A portable DC with DC controller shape, with thicker design (bye VMU socket) and bigger screen.

Keychain micro VMU pre-loaded with 8bit (and perhaps 16bit in a future) and it charges with sun + button smashing.
It comes with a pack of tree seeds.

SEGA Lindbergh/RingEdge
Home iterations of their arcades. The names sound rad imo. I don't dig EuropeR, ALLS and Nu (wtf sega c'mon).

AR/Holo Seaman Aquarium
This. But only baby gillman stages, not horrible nasty adult seaman.
Awesome that it has some Sega CD games on there, hoping there's a lot more when the full lineup is announced. Popful Mail, Shining Force CD, Silpheed, and Sonic CDs are solid games in the library, but we'd also want the ability to play the English versions so I hope this gets an official release in NA. Snatcher would be a huge get, especially since the TurboGrafx-16 mini only had the Japanese version.
The fact that there are some Mega CD games on there does make it very tempting but a Saturn or DC Mini would really take things to the next level.
I bought into the 1st Sega MD Mini, it was a great idea and a wonderful way to experience the 16Bit Classics - The main selling point was the inclusion of World of Illusion my favourite 16BIT game of all time! I like the little replica device and the use of USB replica controllers.

But there is no way I am buying into a 2nd verison of the console again! Had they been smart and offered a replica cart with a new set of games that could be inserted into the console on top of the device I'd would be all in! But to ask me to pay near £100 for what could just be an add-on is ridiculous.

IMO they should have just moved onto to make a Saturn Mini, it's not like we they don't have the ability...
I'd be more inclined to pick one of these up if:

1) As @Vivi-gamer mentioned, we could upgrade existing consoles in some capacity, as opposed to having to purchase multiple minis to play new games (which is just stupid).

2) The superior 6-button controller were made available. (Once you had it, there was no going back to that 3-button tosh.)

As things stand, the console just seems like an expensive toy with an expiration date.
As things stand, the console just seems like an expensive toy with an expiration date.

I mean, that's literally what these things are. It's the toy display aesthetic plus the games and controller. Agree that the 6 button controller should be standard with this for all regions, though.

These things are like $80, so getting upset that they didn't include an upgrade path on the original mini is a bit nitpicky, IMO. Plus I imagine there are people that never bought the original mini and might just get a mini 2 instead. The upgrade path would require that they need to buy both.
11 more games announced as well as a "cyberstick" peripheral, which is apparently a recreation of the Sharp Cyberstick -

New Games:

Outrun, Afterburner II, Night Striker, Ninja Warriors, Starblade, Splatterhouse Part 2, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Mega Panel, Ichidant-R, Columns III, and Star Mobile.

I don't think this round was exciting as the first, but maybe there are some gems in there.
I gave the first Mega Drive mini a pass but maybe I am considering importing the second console. The titles so far sound promising and would fit my taste perfectly. I prefer playing on original consoles in general but it is good to be able to play some games that would be too pricey in their original version.

Do some guys here have experience with the first Mega Drive Mini? Where you happy with the quality of the console?
I gave the first Mega Drive mini a pass but maybe I am considering importing the second console. The titles so far sound promising and would fit my taste perfectly. I prefer playing on original consoles in general but it is good to be able to play some games that would be too pricey in their original version.

Do some guys here have experience with the first Mega Drive Mini? Where you happy with the quality of the console?

I honestly only bought mine for the collection aspect, both for the display + owning the ROMs, but in general I've seen on a few youtube channels that it's considered to be pretty solid. There are always going to be issues with software emulation not entirely being accurate. Digital foundry did a review and I think you can find some more at channels such as My Life in Gaming, Sega Lord X, Game Sack -

In more Mini 2 news, it's been confirmed that it's releasing in North America! I'm not sure what games will be released between NA/JP versions, but it looks like they announced some heavy hitters for the JP release: Final Fight CD, Lunar: The Silver Star, and Lunar: Eternal Blue.

List of the roster on both versions:

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I still have my Genesis model 2 and then a Raspberry Pi with a massive chunk of Sega games on it. For me to consider buying one, it would have to be a mini of the Genesis model 2 and Sega CD model 2 units as I just think it's still one of the slickest looking bits of hardware released. Then it would have to have Genesis games on it that would never see the light of day on one of these minis.... favorites of mine including...

- Jurassic Park
- JP Rampage Edition
- Judge Dredd
- NBA Jam TE
- TMNT Hyperstone Heist (coming to everything now via Cowabunga Collection)
- A large amount of Sega CD games like Sewer Shark.

Then the awesome Sega games we remember...
- Comix Zone
- Streets of Rage Trilogy
- Sonic series
- Ecco games
@Tomato Convenience Store Thanks for the information. Sound promising.

I also prefer to play on my original mega drive and mega cd as long as it remains operational but the new mini is quite tempting because it features some games that are quite expensive in its original form.

I am not the pickiest emulator user because I am and will always be an original hardware guy so I probably would not be able to discern good emulation from bad emulation.

Not only have M2 fixed-up Space Harrier II, they've also ported Space Harrier 1 to the Mega Drive! :love:
Pre-ordered the NA and JPN versions because I'm a sucker. The Sega CD Model 2 attachment is still sold out :-(

Looks like the full list of games are now announced!

Offhand is seems the Japanese lineup is a bit better with the Lunar games and Popful Mail, but there are some solid games on the NA version as well. I think the only top game that's missing is Rocket Knight Adventures. Maybe even Eternal Champions CD could've been a good addition, too. However, there will always be games that don't make it one for one reason or another.

Crusader of Centy, Alien Soldier, Herzog Zwei, Ranger-X, Revenge of Shinobi, Ristar, Shining Force II are really solid additions (and the last 3 arguably should've been on the mini 1)
Super bummed that Popful Mail and the Lunar games aren't on the NA version. I suppose it's something to do with Working Designs having done the translation or something like that. I always wanted to play the Sega CD versions of them on legitimate Sega hardware!
Not trying to be a negative Nancy but I don't think Sega is gonna do a Dreamcast mini. It seems like cost may be the culprit. To be honest though I think the ship has sailed on these mini consoles. @Vivi-gamer us right they would have been better off offering a emulation cart instead of another Genesis.
Not trying to be a negative Nancy but I don't think Sega is gonna do a Dreamcast mini. It seems like cost may be the culprit. To be honest though I think the ship has sailed on these mini consoles. @Vivi-gamer us right they would have been better off offering a emulation cart instead of another Genesis.
Agree. For now, the ship just sailed away in form of hardware cost and very uncertain market. I recall someone at Sega stating this exact same thing, it was shared here. In addition, an element that we probably lovehate: they're gonna release every mini possible before Dreamcast as this would mean the end of the mini products line.

My wishful thinking its too see 32x and Saturn minis and maybe even some arcade mini (emulated model2 or system18/24/32 for example) in years long span.