Random Shenmue III Thoughts

They didn’t originally. I think it got a 6.7, which even became a bit of a meme. Sega clearly pressured them into changing the score.
Since I've planned to take off work so I could start playing the game at midnight, I'm pretty pissed that they're not releasing PC codes until half of the release day has passed. Absolutely inexcusable.
Yeah even the PSN digital copy doesn't unlock until 11am est. I'm pretty much all the way digital and every game I preordered unlocked at midnight est EXCEPT Shenmue 3.
I get why they’re doing that, but the game has clearly leaked. They should seriously reconsider. Spoilers are out there if you wish to find them.
of the major journalists, GameSpot I'm expecting them to be pretty positive and probably give it a 7, IGN is a total wild card but I feel they will more likley be negative about it, is a given cause huber, edge I have no god damn clue but they can be harsh so if they are gonna be critical I expect them to be very critical. Gameinformer I kind of expect to maybe give it the highest score out of the major ones, they are the only ones I can kind of see giving it above an 8.
If Esra Krabbe (IGN) is doing the review it will be very positive. He apparently wrote the 10 reasons to be excited preview so maybe he's doing the review.
If Esra Krabbe (IGN) is doing the review it will be very positive. He apparently wrote the 10 reasons to be excited preview so maybe he's doing the review.
I thought he just translated that from IGN Japan. Or am I thinking of something else?

More of this, please.

Share, up-vote, etc. These types of vids are great for the cause.

They say, and repeat, at the beginning of the video that Shenmue was released only in Japan. What the actual fuck?
they gave it a 7.8, which is a solid score, the one your thinking of was redacted cause they admitted to errors on their part and I very much doubt whoever made that still works there.

Pretty sure they were pressured to by the marketing dept. They shared a building with Sega, after all.
they gave it a 7.8, which is a solid score, the one your thinking of was redacted cause they admitted to errors on their part and I very much doubt whoever made that still works there.
I like your avatar. Just been watching some Yakuza 0/Kiwami scenes.

This song still gets me:

Giantbomb, how low will their score be?

Gerstmann has been a vocal Shenmue hater for two decades so if he reviews it, expect a 3/10.
Is the steel case still available if I order now? I was originally wanting for my extra retail purchase to be a digital code so I could offer it up online, but god damn that case is so sexy...

It's still available. I think as long as you preorder by Monday you can get it.
like half the users here have ryo as their avatar for obvious reasons so I said screw it, might as well use the best design kiryu had from 5 instead.
Have only played 0 and Kiwami, (working my way through Kiwami 2 now on Steam).

Such a great series. I'll always prefer Shenmue because of my childhood connections but god damn do I love the relationship between Kiryu and Nishiki + Majima and Makoto.