Kickstarter Update #102 - PC Gaming Show Update: New Trailer & Epic Games Store Exclusive for PC Version!

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I wrote earlier that I would come back after a few days or when we get a good update. I failed and came back just an hour later lol. I can't watch this dumpsterfire any more though. Sad to see everything we worked for during the past 18 years just burn down like this., and for a launcher! "I'll go to N-gage if I have to" . Yeah. Right.

This time I'm going for real. I'll see you guys whenever this calms down. To the guys wanting a refund, even though I might disagree with the measures you're taking, I really hope you get your refunds.
This decision will not have been made by a single person. They will have known exactly how the community were going to respond and spent a lot of time weighing up the pros and cons.

I expect that they figured they weren’t going to get much through pc sales and so were better off getting a chunk of cash from Unreal and a lower cost for publishing the game. I can’t imagine it has anything to do with the cut they get, because although they’ll be getting a higher percentage, it will be of a significantly smaller amount. Short-sighted, for sure.

That said, watching the trailer yesterday reaffirmed my belief that this game isn’t going to sell well outside of the pre-existing fanbase. It looks like a game from the early 2000’s. Why would anybody spend their money on the third game in a series that they haven’t played before that looks like trash compared to the other options?

Whatever chances this game had of selling, specially on the PC market, were destroyed today.

If YS ran out of money, all he needed to do was ask for more like Star Citizen did. Even if the media bashed him for it, the fans would back him up... Now they are burning bridges with the people that got the project running in the first place.
I wrote earlier that I would come back after a few days or when we get a good update. I failed and came back just an hour later lol. I can't watch this dumpsterfire any more though. Sad to see everything we worked for during the past 18 years just burn down like this., and for a launcher! "I'll go to N-gage if I have to" . Yeah. Right.

This time I'm going for real. I'll see you guys whenever this calms down. To the guys wanting a refund, even though I might disagree with the measures you're taking, I really hope you get your refunds.

Why do you assume everyone who kickstarted the game is a fan? I have a friend who is a Nintendo diehard and never owned a Sega system in his life who kickstarted Shenmue III. Why are you assuming all the people mad are Shenmue fans in any shape or form? Much less have been waiting 18 years? This is just bad for the game in general.
Look for mass credit card companies just snatching the funds back anyway. Backers will just call them to take it back.
To be honest, I don't think that will work for many people on a four year old purchase.

I also think most people who are angry are all talk. It's easy to be outraged online but when it comes to doing something about it, most people won't bother. They'll swap to PS4 or just play the game using EGS.

That doesn't mean I think it's OK. Changing the platform without warning, with no option to stick with Steam, is not a great treatment of backers. It's a bad move, and if they don't offer Steam keys you can wave goodbye to a potential Shenmue IV Kickstarter campaign (if one was required in the future).

All internet outrage is overblown by its very definition. The negative voices are magnified by 1000%. In reality, I bet less than 1% of the 70,000 backers even care, and even less will attempt a refund.
I just hope the game is good at this point. Even before we got here the Kickstarter and state of game has felt kind of concerning.
This is where it all came to a screeching halt due to greed on the part of Deep Silver.

I'm really just hoping for a quality product at this point--it had a lot of rough spots still. We really should not have had this happen.
Completely agree. Sometimes I think people forget how bad PS2 textures were. No way it could pull off anything close to what we’re getting
It looks way better than PS2/Gamecube/Xbox. The environments especially look really great. Character models look like PS3 but environments like PS4
Completely agree. Sometimes I think people forget how bad PS2 textures were. No way it could pull off anything close to what we’re getting
As OP stated, environments look great, but the character models are terrible in comparison. There were definitely 360 and PS3 games with better models. I understand that it was probably a stylistic choice, but given that characters are the most important thing in a story, can you really see modern gamers overlooking how dated they look?
On the whole Steam/day one issue, is it not going to be the case that Steam backers will indeed get their reward as intended on day one, but the game will not be able to be bought on Steam until the Epic exclusivity is up?
If physical PC copies are still Kickstarter exclusive, then this tweet says it is indeed not the case.

View attachment 3021

This makes me sad and angry.
However, I can't imagine that's correct. Either there's a non-kickstarter PC physical that they're referring to, or there isn't and whoever is controlling the DS twitter (or whoever he/she asked) simply didn't realize and made an error... Or it IS correct, and the PC physical is KS exclusive, in which case they really need to do whatever it takes to change that.
Omg we got a burger shop :tearsofjoy: Sorry I have to take apart this trailer because no one else will
I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around why people would be more than slightly annoyed (if that) about having to use a different game launcher than the preferred one.

It's a fucking video game, for one, and secondly if Shenmue III came out when intended a PC option wouldn't have even been a thing. This changes literally nothing about the game itself.
Alright, justified or not, it's really hitting me now that it's more than likely that Yu Suzuki will have been at least told, or even read a lot of these comments.

Can I just say, on a human level, that some of these reactions coming through on the man's birthday, after sleeping in the studio and working for 4 years straight at 61 years of age makes me physically sick.

I'm sorry for those who feel hard done by, having to download a piece of software for $100, but having to read hundreds of comments of pure hatred is not something someone like Yu Suzuki deserves.

Edit: I am not having a dig or starting a flame war at those in here. I am more just heartbroken for the man.
I think it's a bunch of crap that there's this nebulous group of toxic consumers who form into outrage mobs and target developers and publishers with damaging smear campaigns based on every perceived slight. The companies and the individual developers put a lot on the line and have to make difficult decisions. The mobs are unaccountable, anonymous, and, I suspect, are often stoked by disingenuous shit-stirrers who enjoy the fact that it's much easier to tear things down than it is to build them.
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