Ask the Person Below you a Question?

I relly dislike people who have a sense of entitlement like that. I would have probably given it to them had they just asked too. But no, they have to make it theft.

A: I had a flatmate who I could smell from my room even with the door closed during the summer. He wasn't that bad of a guy but had poor hygiene which wasn't helped by his poor diet I suppose.

Q: What's your favourite place to visit?
I would love to see whales on some sort of cruise. The best thing even would be seeing a blue whale or lion mane jelly fish in person.

Q - your real life combat record. What does it look like?

In terms of a serious fight, I've only lost to my big brother. When I was younger, primary school age, I used to get into a lot of fight and win every one. One day however, the other kids (from the higher age group) got smart and decided to attack me all at once as I entered the playground. I stood my own, smashed one guy against the wall and fought of others but ultimately got my ass kicked.

Now that I'm older, I use my size to deter such situations as I'm not the powerhouse I used to be.
Non existent lmao

Q: Would you rather fight ten leprechaun sized Dou Niu’s or one Dou Niu sized leprechaun ?

A: Definitely ten leprechaun sized Dou Nuis, because I think it would be absolutely hilarious seeing ten of them run around trying to fight! :LOL:

Q: What is your favourite/most vivid childhood memory?
I have a vivid one when I was 2 years old: getting my leg into the back wheel of my dad's bike while riding on the back... It wasn't completely broken it did hurt a lot...

Q: If you had to quickly gain 20 pounds for any reason, what would you eat or drink to gain that?
A: Because he's a class A cunt!

Q: What did you sit down with to eat/celebrate Shenmue III with?

Ordered a pizza, garlic bread, Caesar Salad, Dr. Pepper and then some chips (crisps to you guys over the pond) and jellybeans.
A: I'd summarize my past decade as a bunch of milestones that I used to believe I'd be dead before I had the chance at experiencing them.

Q: Do have any embarrassing career or thing you wanted to have or be growing up?
A. When I was a kid I wanted to be a professional wrestler.

Q. Would you rather be offered $10 million or immortality?
A: Immortality. I probably woulda spent $10m gettin scientists to figure it out, so this way I can just skip right to it.

Q: What's your favourite chocolate?
A. Kinder Bueno. That shit is amaaaaaaaaaaazing!

Q. Any idea what your name would have been had you been born the opposite sex?

Mine would have been Letitia, apparently. Sounds like a stripper with a dodgy boob job waiting to take a load on her face in a back room. Phew!
A: I was going to be named Zoe. Not a bad name, personally.

Q: Is tea in the afternoon still a religious event all over the UK or is it something mainly done by the elders, at this point?
A: I was going to be named Zoe. Not a bad name, personally.

Q: Is tea in the afternoon still a religious event all over the UK or is it something mainly done by the elders, at this point?
Depends on the demographic. Hanging around Londoners from the more "urban" areas, tea, or at least making an event out of it, has never really been a thing for me. Then I started travelling up north for work and every damn second it was "do you want a brew?" and people were confused when you responded you would prefer a glass of water. In the job I just left, people would boil the kettle and let the office know and there would be a rush to make tea or a coffee. Never could understand it. To answer your question objectively, we are the 3rd biggest consumer per person after Turkey and Ireland according to some websites.

I only drink herbal teas but not too often.

Just read your post again. You're talking about afternoon tea with the cakes, scones etc? Never seen it myself outside of a restaurant, more something people do for "the gram". @Mittens2317 maybe could shed some light on this being a northern lad. Obviously he does not have the class for afternoon tea, but maybe his nan or something.

Q - Are you a spiritual person and why? Whether it be religion, meditation etc.
Q - Are you a spiritual person and why? Whether it be religion, meditation etc.

I used to be as a teenager that was sparked when I started practicing Kung-fu. I became fascinated not only by its application, but the rich lore behind it. I started off by becoming a Buddhist, then moved on to Taoism. I read books like "The Tao De Ching," "I-Ching," "Siddhartha," "The Eight Immortals," and anything I could find on Taoist alchemy. I practiced daily meditation, Yoga, Aromatherapy, Feng-shui, calligraphy, all while listening to more ambient music. I also started taking herbal medicines like Ginseng and Gingko Biloba.

Back then was when Shenmue became more than just a game for me. The rich amount of spirituality and culture only enhanced my appreciation for Asian culture and their spiritual practices. Which is why I hold the series in such high regard. Which is why I am relieved that Shenmue III still has it in spades. And why I think nobody will do justice to Shenmue like Suzuki can. It's quite clear that his love of Asian culture shines through even today.

However as time has gone on and people change, I have sadly lost a lot of my spiritual side and live a more pragmatic life.

Q: If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self what would you tell them?
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Take the time to say goodbye to your grandpa. That's the first thing that comes to mind.

If you could travel to meet any real person in history, who would it be and why?
Take the time to say goodbye to your grandpa. That's the first thing that comes to mind.

If you could travel to meet any real person in history, who would it be and why?

I'd have to say..... Stanley Kubrick. I love his films and I would love the opportunity to pick his brain about his past work, his inspirations and his upcoming films that he had planned before he passed.

What's your favourite place in the world to visit?
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Out of the very few places I've been to...Monaco! Went there for MAGIC 2019 to meet Yu Suzuki and take a little spring break, and it was absolutely beautiful. I had never been out of the USA before and it was quite the experience.

Would you rather sail around the world in a personal yacht or fly around the world in a personal jet?
A. Fly around the world in a personal jet and spam social media with pictures and videos of the journey. Heck, might as well stream the entire thing. That should provide some entertainment in the form of the response from the shrieking climate change maniacs. And if it invokes the wrath of Greta, the final boss of the movement? *chef's kiss*

Q. How many pillows do you sleep on?
A. Fly around the world in a personal jet and spam social media with pictures and videos of the journey. Heck, might as well stream the entire thing. That should provide some entertainment in the form of the response from the shrieking climate change maniacs. And if it invokes the wrath of Greta, the final boss of the movement? *chef's kiss*

Q. How many pillows do you sleep on?

Two, one for my head and one between my legs. I struggle to sleep so having a good pillow is very important to me.

Q - What's your ideal meal for the day? Breakfast, lunch and a 3 course dinner.