YS arcade games cheats

Jul 26, 2018
Favourite title
Shenmue II
After getting annoyed by the sheer impossibleness of After Burner II yet again, I started looking into how to cheat lives again.
I always had this wish for just the slightest edge that could help me beat those games. A few extra lives for starters.
So I have been doing some attempts with Cheat Engine in the past but I never got anywhere. But this is over now, as I finally found the solution 2 days ago. Feel free to try them out and let me know about the results! All the details and download are on my blog.

I'm still bummed about Space Harrier. Wish I could just beat it the way it's meant in Shenmue. While capturing the run with the cheats I got to stage 16 within the legit life count, tying my previous best attempt. It quickly fell apart after that however, so even 6 lives weren't enough yet. But it might be in reach to beat it legit. After Burner II... well I don't care at all that I had to use cheats for that. Never in my life will I be able to beat this borderline unplayable hectic mess, no matter how much I love its feeling and soundtrack.

Right now I'm just happy to have those certificates out of the way. Really just wanna check every bit of unfinished buisiness of the list before III comes out.

Ugh. I kind of wish you hadn't done this. I'm going to have a hard time NOT using them for Space Harrier now.

Great work though.
The hell happens to Ryo's lips at 3:08 in the Afterburner II video?
Here are some tips courtesy of my Oct. 1988 issue of Electronic Game Player (the predecessor to EGM). Most of them I reckon won't work due to the lack of a foot sensor and start button, but it would be interesting to see if the ones that are possible work in this emulated version.

Oh yeah, those button inputs, I have read about those. Don't know if they work in Shenmue II but if they do, they aren't much of a help, if any. Getting to Stage 9 for some extra missles? Not easily gonna happen.

But I'm really curious about the trick mentioned at the bottom. Again unsure if this works when it's also linked to coin insert but this could actually do something. Still doubt that it could be enough to beat it though.

Really start to wonder if there are any helpful things hidden in Space Harrier. I figure there must be, but I have never found anything about it.