Should have invested in YS Net instead of Ninja Theory

This loser needs to keep the Dreamcast's name out of his mouth.

Hereโ€™s Jeff Gerstmanns take on Hellblade 2.

Canโ€™t bring myself to watch it because I just want to do the double blow punch to Gerstmannโ€™s fat face every time I see him for what he said about Shenmue.

Jeff Gerstmann is the kind of gamer who eats Cheetos while playing and then hands you the controller caked with sticky Cheetos crude all over it. Yet he has the audacity to bash Shenmue fans.
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I'd love to bake some oatmeal raisin cookies and offer him one, but tell him they're chocolate chip. It'd bring me such joy to see his face as he takes a bite and realizes my dastardly plan. Screw him.
I'd love to bake some oatmeal raisin cookies and offer him one, but tell him they're chocolate chip. It'd bring me such joy to see his face as he takes a bite and realizes my dastardly plan. Screw him.
He actually refers to Hellblade 2 as Senuas Sacrifice. What a maroon.

Canโ€™t wait until YS gets his funding for S4, it sells like gangbusters making him fabulously wealthy and a huge celebrity and he visits Gerstmann and does the counter elbow assault on his ass.
If it is okay to make a request, can someone provide the Yu Suzuki interview where he stated Shenmue III's development budget is twenty million dollars?
If it is okay to make a request, can someone provide the Yu Suzuki interview where he stated Shenmue III's development budget is twenty million dollars?
Afaik, there's not such a thing. Just estimations including the KS, Sony...
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I remember the optimism I felt after reading this interview that Shenmue 4 would be coming only to see recently, 4 years later, that we are still nowhere. Very frustrating and disappointing.

I know COVID came and changed a lot in between but I hope Yu realizes it needs to happen very soon or else he needs to release the story. We fans have done all we can to help him realize his dream of finishing this in game format. Reality has hit and before his fans move on completely, I believe he should at least give us the story.