Shenmue Watch

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Dec 4, 2018
Found a pretty sweet Timex for sale on eBay...

Sadly, the re-release didn't have the official Timex in it like the originals...

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Yea, no, that's not happening.

I'm making a ruling on this right from the off here. As someone who has spent years assembling a Shenmue collection, I understand the value in such items, but I also understand how one persons desire can be used as anothers opportunity. With Shenmue's popularity, there's no way I am gonna allow promotion of Shenmue items with a jacked up price, just because the franchise is in the news again. Your price for that watch borders into ripping off. If that's what you would pay for it, fine. But there are Timex T43371 models on auction sites for much lower, some as low as $100. Why you think yours is worth much more, I don't know, but I am not going to let people think it's ok just to sign up here to line their pockets.

This has been coming for a while now since Shenmue was resurrected back to life, and whilst I understand that may make Shenmue collecting more popular, and the price of some items rise, I am not going to sit back and watch people think it's cool to cash in on fandom, at a price any seller dictates. If someone bids on a price of an item and loses to someone who wanted that item more, that's cool. That's fair game. But to get an item, just to then flip it to the person who lost at an even higher rate... That's not happening. Not saying that's what you are doing... But this isn't the first item you have listed here at a high price, so forgive me if I am a little suspicious of what your intentions are when it comes to Shenmue.
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