Thought I'd share some of my finds so far just from wandering around Kowloon!

First up - the NPC that I dubbed the 'Phantom Teahouse Lady' (see my blog post) due to her only appearing while you're following Yuan - she's at the Luck & Virtue Teashop normally in the beta! This means that, unlike the final, you can ask her the 'money' related questions (the game doesn't let you do this while following Yuan)

And then I found some very strange things in the 'Black God Bldg' (renamed the God of Wealth Bldg in the final, except for the staircase signs where they forgot to change it) - For one thing, the homeless man Ming Wulie - who sits in the Ghost Hall Bldg in the final - is instead in the Black God Bldg in the beta! But what was even stranger is when random female NPC's started appearing out of nowhere and walking into the walls...very creepy! (needless to say, in the final there are no NPC's in this building at all, so I assume this is glitchy behaviour)
screenshot117.png screenshot120.pngscreenshot110.png

A few other aesthetic points - amusingly, the sign at the Star Gazing Point entrance says 'The Ster to See Place'! (however the loading screen says Star Gazing Point)
The sign designs for the Moon Child, Black Heaven and Golden Flower Bldg are different from the final:
This is so amazing... Thanks to everybody involved :love:.

A noobie question: Would it be possible to "inject" the english subtitle translation into this prototype to be able to play it in english with all the differences?
The arm wrestler Bear Norton has a different design in this beta! (first image from the beta, second is his final design). He also has no crowd to watch him in the beta, poor guy!

And then I found Heavens members - one only found in Beverly Hills Wharf ( and another only seen in a very rare cutscene in the final! ( ) - just wandering about near Pigeon Park!! This beta is officially crazy- I'd so love to know what they are actually saying in these conversations!!
Hope everyone appreciates this release, I put a lot of money into acquiring and also a lot of time into researching and ultimately reverse engineering this beta, a lot of very cool things were found which have been documented and tools created specifically for it. We're now able to compile our own event scripts, decompile existing ones and ultimately do whatever AM2 could in the game, ourselves.

Naturally there will be some things that we didn't have time to look into, especially myself who was just interested in the reverse engineering of this 20+ year old code/data.

I feel that this song was made with you in mind


After the recent Game Jam beta of Shenmue II got released, the very first thing I did was look to see if OSY had any dialog still intact. For those who don't know, OSY is what we've always known the unused character from Miao Village by. OSY is his file name, which was still present in the final release. Guess what? He does! All Japanese of course, but Google Translate and a hint of Japanese knowledge will fix you up good and nice for the most part. So we now can see everything OSY was going to say in-game. Big, right? No, huge! And not only that, but other NPCs have dialog that also refer to Miao Village and that stage in the game. There have been many theories over the years, but we now know why Ryo was going to go to Miao Village, where Miao Village is, and when we were going to go there. Sadly, the village itself is not on the discs, nor are any cutscenes related to it, but we can still piece together the story from in-game dialog. So, let's get started! Here are all of OSY's interactions with Ryo in-game, with translation. Oh, wait, let's refer to him as his real name now. Yunhai. He is a Buddhist Priest in Miao Guang Temple. Ryo only refers to him directly as Osho-san, which is basically the word for priest/monk. But we later find out from a Miao resident that the osho's name is YunHai.

But first! For reference, Rakousei is the person Ryo goes to Miao Village looking for. His name is Luo Kongzheng in Chinese. Seiya, his son is Luo Zhengye in Chinese. I'll be using everyone's Chinese names as we'd see in the English version.

Now, we already know from the Miao Village pictures released on in 2001, Ryo is seen holding a book in the photo above. In that photo, Yunhai is saying, "Come to think of it, this might be what the gang that attacked Luo Kongzheng was after." That book is the Wulinshu. This in confirmed a bit later on. But for now, we know Ryo travels to Miao Village looking for Luo Kongzheng, who holds the Wulinshu. I don't know how Ryo knows, but he knows.

Ryo: すいませび。 (Excuse me/sorry...)
Yunhai: 何かご用かの。 (What is it?)
Ryo: 羅孔征さんの家ってどっちですか? (Which way is it to Luo Kongzheng's house?)
Yunhai: ここを下りてまっすぐ行った所じゃ。(It's straight down that way.)
Ryo: ありがとうございます。(Thank you very much.)
Yunhai: おぬし、なにゆえに羅孔征の家を? (Why are you looking for Luo Kongzheng's house?)
Ryo: 羅孔征さんに会って、聞きたいことがあるんです。(I have something to ask him.)
Yunhai: それは無理じゃな。 (That's impossible.)
Ryo: えっ? (What?)
Yunhai: もうおらんよ。2週間ほど前に他界しておる。 (He's no longer here. He passed away two weeks ago.)
Ryo: 本当ですか? (Really?)
Yunhai: 拙僧はウソなどつかぬ。 (I'm a priest. I don't lie.)
Yunhai: 疑うなら、あやつの家に行ってみるがよい。(If you're in doubt, go to his house.)
Ryo: わかりました。行ってみます。 (Understood. I'll try going.)

Ryo: あの… 羅孔征さんの家は… (Umm... about Luo Kongzheng's house...)
Yunhai: 寺を下りて、まっすぐじゃ。(Go straight, by the temple.)
Yunhai: 下のほうで聞くとよかろう。(You might want to ask down there.)
Yunhai: 花をたむけておる家がそうじゃ。(It's the house with all the flowers.)
Ryo: わかりました。 (I understand.)
Ryo: 羅孔征さんの家に入るにはどうすれば… (How should I get into Mr. Kongzheng's house...)
Ryo: どうしても調べたいことがあるんです。(I really want to find out what's in there.)
Yunhai: 何か事情がありそうじゃな。 (There seems to be something wrong.)
Ryo: ええ。 (Yes.)
Yunhai: まあ、悪い人には見えんし、教えてもよかろう。 (Well, you don't look like a bad person, so I'll tell you.)
Yunhai: 羅孔征の家の鍵は村長があずかっておるはずじゃ。(The village mayor should have the key to Mr. Kongzheng's house.)
Ryo: 村長さんですね。ありがとうございます。 (The village mayor. Thank you very much.)

Ryo: 村長さんの家へは… (About the village mayor's house...)
Yunhai: 寺を下りて、左に行きなされ。 (Go down to the temple, and turn left.)
Ryo: 村長さんの家はどっちですか? (Which is the village mayor's house?)
Yunhai: 馬長老の家なら、寺を下りて左に行きなされ。(At Elder Ma's house, go down to the temple and take a left.)
Ryo: わかりました。ありがとうございます。 (I understand. Thank you very much.)

By this point, Ryo has already gotten the key from the village mayor and went to Luo Kongzheng's house in search of clues. He apparently doesn't find the Wulinshu, but finds a photo of a boy. That boy is Luo Zhengye, who is selling ducks in the White Dynasty Qr.

Ryo: この子について何か知りませんか? (Do you know anything about this child? *shows photo*)
Yunhai: これは征耶の写真… (This is a picture of Luo Zhengye.)
Ryo: 征耶? (Luo Zhengye?)
Yunhai: 孔征のひとり息子じゃ。(That's the only son of Luo Kongzheng.)
Ryo: この子は今どこに? (Where is this child now?)
Yunhai: なぜ、征耶を探しておる? (Why are you looking for Zhengye?)
Ryo: どうしても聞きたいことがあるんです。 (I have something I really want to ask.)
Yunhai: …込み入った事情がありそうじゃの。 (I'm sure it's complicated.)
Ryo: ええ。征耶君は今どこに? (Yes. Where is Luo Zhengye now?)
Yunhai: ワンチャイの親戚に引き取られての。白秦街にいると聞いておる。(He was taken in by a relative in Wan Chai. I heard he's in the White Dynasty Qr.)
Ryo: 白秦街ですね。ありがとうございます。 (White Dynasty Qr. Thank you very much.)

Ryo: 征耶君のことなんですが… (It's about Luo Zhengye...)
Yunhai: 今は白秦街におるはずじゃ。白秦街でたずねてみるといいじゃろう。(He should be in the White Dynasty Qr. now. You should ask in the White Dynasty Qr.)

After this point, he only gives generic responses when there is no event occurring. At this point, Ryo has already gotten the Wulinshu. In the photos, YunHai is seen asking if Ryo knows Tao Lishao. Clearly, they discuss her when Ryo discloses why he's after the Wulinshu. You can see him telling Ryo to say hi to Tao Lishao at this point in their in-game conversations, so that cutscene has already taken place.

Yunhai: ならば4つの武徳も存じているはず。 (Do you know of the four wude?)
Ryo: はい。 (Yes.)
Yunhai: お聞かせ願おうかの。 (Do you mind telling me?)
Ryo: 1つは功です。常に怠ることなく、日々、修練を積み重ねること。 (One is GON. To practice everyday without neglect.)
Yunhai: ふむ、では残りの武徳は? (Hmm, what about the remaining wude?)
Ryo: 胆です。常にあわてることなく、肝をすえて、冷静に正しく判断すること。 (Dan. Don't panic. Stay calm and make the right decisions.)
Yunhai: その通りじゃ。で、残りの武徳は? (That's right. So what about the rest of the wude?)
Ryo: 戒です。おごり高ぶることなく己を律し、むやみに拳法を使わず、みだりに技を見せず。(Jie. Don't be proud, be disciplined and don't use martial arts unnecessarily, and don't show your skills unnecessarily.)
Yunhai: まあ、よかろう。桃李少老師の門下の者と信じよう。 (Well, that's fine. I believe that you are a student of Lishao Tao.)
Yunhai: だが、武徳はつねに心にとどめておくのじゃぞ。(However, always keep the wude in mind.)

This conversation here is interesting. He just asks Ryo to recite the wude, and all of Ryo's answers are wrong. What's funny to me is, and hopefully I can say this much without getting into trouble... There are seven wude in the original script set for Shenmue II. Some of them are the ones Ryo mentions here. Perhaps this would have been a cute inside nod to the original Legend of Akira script.

Ryo: 和尚さん。(Osho-san.)
Yunhai: なんじゃ、武徳を思い出したのか? (Do you still remember the wude?)
Ryo: もう1度お願いします。(I'd like to try again.)
Yunhai: よかろう。聞かせてもらおうかの。(Good luck. I'd like to hear it.)
Ryo: 1つは忠です。 (One is Zhong.)
Yunhai: ほう。して意味は? (What does that mean?)
Ryo: 師匠を尊敬し、尽くすことです。(Respect your master and do your best.)
Yunhai: ふむ。それは大切だが、武徳ではないのう。(Hmm. That's important, but it's not one of the wude.)
Yunhai: 出直してまいれ。(What did you say again?)
Ryo: 1つは仁です。そ、それは… (One is Ren. Well, that's...)
Yunhai: どうした? (What's wrong?)
Ryo: 1つは厳です。(One is Yan.)
Ryo: 1つは信です。他人を裏切らず、人から信頼されることです。(One is Xin. Don't betray others, and be trusted by others.)
Ryo: 1つは孝です。(One is Xiao.)
Ryo: 1つは礼です。(One is Li.)
Ryo: 目上の人を敬い、礼儀正しく接することです。(Treat your superiors with respect and courtesy.)
Ryo: …すいません。思い出せません… (...Excuse me. I can't remember...)

Ryo: 羅孔征さんって、どんな方だったんですか? (What kind of person was Luo Kongzheng?)
Yunhai: 拳徳をもって立ち、徳無ければ拳も虚し。 ("Stand with a fist of virtue. If there is no virtue, then the fist is empty." )
Yunhai: それが口癖じゃった。(That was his saying.)
Ryo: 立派な拳法家だったんですね… (He was a good martial artist...)
Yunhai: いや、大バカ者じゃよ。(No, he was a big idiot.)
Yunhai: こんな老いぼれより先に逝ってしまいおって… (He passed away before such an old man...)
Yunhai: 朋友の契りを忘れたか… (He's forgotten the bond of friendship...)

Ryo: 羅孔征さんはなぜ、襲われたんですか? (Why was Luo Kongzheng attacked?)
Yunhai: さっぱりわからんのう。(I have no idea.)
Yunhai: わしに言えば、助太刀してやったものを。(If he'd have told me, I'd have been able to help him out.)

Yunhai: 迷惑をかけまいとしおって… (Don't bother me...)

Ryo: 羅孔征さんのことなんですが… (It's about Luo Kongzheng...)
Yunhai: 曲がったことの嫌いな頑固者じゃったよ。義にあつい、好漢じゃったよ。 (He was a stubborn person who didn't give in. But he was a good man with a passion for righteousness.
Yunhai: 惜しい男を亡くしたもんじゃよ… (It's regrettable we lost such a man...)

Yunhai: どうじゃ、精進しとるかの? (Are you devoting yourself?)
Ryo: おかげさまで。 (Thanks to you.)
Yunhai: 桃李少老師によろしくのう。 (Say hello to Lishao Tao.)
Yunhai: 日々、精進を忘れんようにな。(Don't forget to devote yourself everyday.)
Yunhai: いつでも遊びにくるといい。(Come and visit us anytime.)
Yunhai: 今、急ぎの用があってのう。(I'm in a hurry right now.)
Yunhai: ちと行く所があってのう。(I have some place to be.)

So, now we know why Miao Village existed and that the Wulinshu was held by Luo Kongzheng there. But, where WAS Miao Village? There've been lots of theories over the years, but now through various NPC dialog in this beta, it's 100% confirmed that Miao Village was located through the South Carmain Qr. An AM2 developer, Morio Ashizuka, had previously confirmed on Twitter that the dead end road in the South Carmain Qr. "didn't extend towards Wise Men's Quarter, but rather it went straight down. You would borrow the bicycle to travel along a road through a grassy plain." (credit to Switch for that information) That grassy plain led to Miao Village. Here are some conversation with NPCs during the event searching for Luo Kongzheng and his son...



First, we have BNK (Rong Meizhu, owner of a fruit and vegetable stand in the White Dynasty Qr where Luo Kongzheng's son, Luo Zhengye is now located selling ducks. Subtitles are listed in the order in which they occur in the game. All subtitle codes starting with A are Ryo. You can see shortly before Ryo starts asking about Miao Village, he's asking about the Wulinshu.

When asking her about Miao Village, she responds with 紅南街のずーっと南よー。(It's all the way south of South Carmain Qr.) and 紅南街からしか行けないわよー。 (You can only go from the South Carmain Qr.) 紅南街のはずれから道が続いてるわよー。 (From the outskirts of the South Carmain Qr. The road continues.)


Next in the subtitle files, he starts asking Meizhu about Sunny Capital Pharmacy. I'm not sure what leads to Ryo searching for the pharmacy, but this is how we get to Miao Village. Former Shenmue developer Morio Ashizuka also said on Twitter: "There was going to be an event where you put the girl at the pharmacy on your bike and run an errand. [...] It was along the lines of the pharmacy owner having a bad leg, so Ryo goes for him by bicycle with the girl guiding the way. Ryo wasn't able to ride around freely though - it was a movie scene of him riding" (credit to Switch for this information)

This was Ryo's method of transportation to Miao Village.

The next thing Ryo is able to ask her is about Luo Zhengye, which Meizhu replies, あっちで物売りしてるわよー。 (He's selling things over there.) She's only a few feet from Luo Zhengye's stand in the White Dynasty Qr., so she would be right in line to point at him.


In the files, Luo Zhengye has another model wearing the Miao style clothing, but that model file contained no subtitle data. His final game model doesn't seem to reference anything related to this Wulinshu storyline. So I have no way of knowing what goes down in the White Dynasty Qr. with the boy. Interestingly, there is a scene of the Yellow Head terrorizing this very kid in the final version. Maybe that same scene played out, albeit a bit different?



Next, we have Ma Wenyuan. In the final version, he's the street fighter at the Dragon Garden in the Stand Quarter who uses Passive Raid Style. However, under a different filename and different clothing, he is a resident of Miao Village.

Ryo: 羅孔征さんを探してるんですが… (I'm looking for Luo Kongzheng...)
Wenyuan: 羅さんなら亡くなったよ。2週間ほど前に。 (Luo died. About two weeks ago.)
Ryo: 亡くなった… (He passed away...)
Wenyuan: まだ、若かったんじゃがな… (He was still young...)
Ryo: 羅孔征さんが亡くなった理由は? (What happened to Luo Kongzheng?)
Wenyuan: あんた、どこから来たのかね? (Where did you come from?)
Ryo: ワンチャイの文武廟から。(From Wan Chai's Man Mo Temple.)
Wenyuan: 文武廟…。桃李少老師の門弟かね? (Man Mo Temple... Are you a disciple of Tao Lishao?)
Ryo: え、ええ…そうです。 (Y, yeah... That's right.)
Wenyuan: ふむ。ならば信用しても… (Hmm. Then I guess I can trust...)

Ryo: 羅孔征さんのことで何か知ってるんですか? (About Mr. Luo. Do you know anything?)
Wenyuan: あまり大きな声では言えぬが… (I can't say very loudly...)
Wenyuan: 羅さんは殺されたんじゃ。(Luo was killed.)
Ryo: 殺された…。いったい誰に? (Killed... Who on Earth?)
Wenyuan: さぁ。そこまではわしも… (Well, up till that point...)
Wenyuan: 羅さんを倒したとなれば、よほどの手練れと思うが… (I thought it would be difficult to defeat Mr. Luo, but...)

Ryo: 羅孔征さんのことなんですが… (About Mr. Luo...)
Wenyuan: じつに惜しい男をなくしたのう。 (We've lost a good man.)
Wenyuan: 立派な拳法家だったんじゃが。 (He was a good martial artist.)
Ryo: そうですか。(I see.)

Ryo: 羅孔征が亡くなった時のことを聞きたいんですが… (I'd like to ask, when Mr. Luo died...)
Wenyuan" あいにくじゃが、わしもその場にいたわけではないからのう。 (Unfortunately, I wasn't there when it happened.)
Ryo: 誰か知ってそうな人は? (Who would know?)
Wenyuan: 征耶なら、あるいは… (Luo Zhengye, or...)
Ryo: 征耶? (Luo Zhengye?)
Wenyuan: 羅さんのひとり息子じゃ。 (Luo's only son.)
Ryo: その人は今、どこに? (Where is he now?)
Wenyuan: 親戚に引き取られて、白秦街にいると聞いたが… (Taken by relatives, I heard he was in the White Dynasty Qr.)
Ryo: "白秦街…" (White Dynasty Qr...)
Wenyuan: 白秦街で征耶を尋ねてみなされ。 (Ask for Zhengye in the White Dynasty Qr.)

The next time you're able to talk to Wenyuan, Ryo asks about Miao Guang Temple. My first thought was the boy told Ryo where to find the Wulinshu, but perhaps not, since Ryo is still asking.

Ryo: 苗光寺ってどっちですか? (Which way is Miao Guang Temple?)
Wenyuan: 苗光寺ならあっちじゃ。 (Miao Guang Temple is over there.)

じつは、ある本をお借りしたかったんです。 (Actually, there's a book I wanted to borrow.)
Wenyuan: 本…? (Book...?)
Ryo: 武術のことが書かれている本です。心当たりありませんか? (This book is about Martial Arts. Do you have any idea?)
Wenyuan: さぁ。わしは知らんが… (Well. I don't know...)
Ryo: そうですか… (I see...)

Ryo: 武術の本について、話を聞いたことないですか? (About martial arts books. Do you know any?
Wenyuan: いや。だったら苗光寺に行ってみるとよかろう。 (No. You should go to the Miao Guang Temple.)
Wenyuan: 雲海和尚に聞けば、なんぞ分かるかも… (If you ask Master Yunhai, he might know.)
Wenyuan: 羅さんとも親しかったし。 (He was close to Luo Kongzheng.)
Ryo: わかりました。どうも。 (I understand. Thank you.)

Ryo: 聞きたいことが… (I want to ask you...)
Wenyuan: 和尚なら何か知っとるかも… (Osho might know something.)

From here, all his replies are things like, "I'm in a hurry right now.

In summary:

There you have the general story behind Miao Village. Originally, Ryo would seek out a Luo Kongzheng to borrow the Wulinshu from him. He finds out Kongzheng is in Miao Village, which he gets to from South Carmain Qr. Once there, he searches for him, only to find out he was killed two weeks ago. Ryo is told that the village mayor would have the key to Kongzheng's house, so Ryo gets the key and looks around for clues. He finds a photo of Kongzheng's son, Zhengye, and seeks the boy, who's now in the White Dynasty Qr. with relatives, for further information. It gets a bit hazy here, as I'd think the boy told Ryo about the Wulinshu. Maybe he does, but Ryo is clearly still asking Miao villagers about the Wulinshu and gets pointed to the direction of the Miao Guang Temple, where "OSY" YunHai is the priest. From here, we reference the photos of Ryo with Yunhai holding the Wulinshu, assuming Haihe gives it to Ryo.


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@LanDC you are, as ever, a hero. I have no words. It’s fantastic to finally know the full context of all this- I seem to remember Lou Zhengye was one of the characters introduced in the Shenmue Premiere video- and now we know why, as it seems he originally had a far bigger role! This prototype really is the gift that keeps on giving- let’s hold out hope we might find an earlier build with more of this intact some day!!

Jesus, it feels like 2003 again 😂

@James Brown @spud1897 Get this on the front page, stat!!
@LanDC you are, as ever, a hero. I have no words. It’s fantastic to finally know the full context of all this- I seem to remember Lou Zhengye was one of the characters introduced in the Shenmue Premiere video- and now we know why, as it seems he originally had a far bigger role! This prototype really is the gift that keeps on giving- let’s hold out hope we might find an earlier build with more of this intact some day!!

Jesus, it feels like 2003 again 😂

@James Brown @spud1897 Get this on the front page, stat!!

It's on the socials already haha
It's interesting to think about how this part of the game would've been received. It feels like a lot to create a seperate rural environment for one small part of the story (although they did it for Languishan so there is precedent for it) and, despite the bike ride, would've definitely seemed strange geographically.

I have to imagine the martial artist's murderer would've lightly tied into the story somehow? Or maybe it was going to be left a mystery...

The different "fake" wude read to me like dialogue options for Ryo...maybe you had to get all 4 wude correct and the others are red herrings?
Some more goodies!

In the final, Lu Xingong stands guard at the Beverly Hills Wharf entrance by himself, but in this beta he is joined by Guo Yanfu (standing on the right, you can also talk to him)

The Lucky Plaza sign in Queen's Street reads 'lackyplaza':

Across the road in the Golden Qr. you can see a unique 'HONG KONG' sign that isn't present in the final:

Some misplaced textures going on too - these appear to be chunks of the Golden Qr. map on windows!

In the Golden Shopping Mall, there is a man practicing Drunken Kung Fu who is not seen in the final - he is wearing the same garb that all Dragon Street NPC's do, but does not appear to match up with any of them. (EDIT: Figured it out, its Ma Encheng!)I'm convinced his animations are ripped directly from Shun Di's from Virtua Fighter - go and check it out yourself and you'll see what I mean!

The font/design on the gambling betting signs is different:

The sign for Fortune's Eatery reads 'Kai Yun Restaurant' (but the loading screen upon entering says Fortune's Eatery):

At Blue Sky Beer Garden, Gui Lili stands beside the counter, unlike the final where she's always behind it:
LanDC is definitely one of the GOATS of the community! Amazing stuff and over all this beta is a real treasure trove. I had so much fun rewatching Matt and James` stream on it and I cannot wait to play it myself.

So much stuff is already pointed out but one thing they massively improved is Shenhuas reaction to Ryo right after the camera rotation on the Shenmue tree.

In the final game you have very subtle changes in her expression. In the beta they are way more exaggerated. In motion it is a very stark contrast!

While playing through the beta, I found an arrow facing down in the notebook


also, I was going through The Yellow Head building area and found some really interesting things that were changed.

First, before we get into the interesting part I'll show you that the part where Ren and Ryo sneak passed the guards is here, but without the guards and some of the objects. The fire is still there and Ryo can walk straight up to it.


Okay, this is the most interesting find for me, on the 8th floor, there are 2 doors that are completely different than the final release (I'll be using the U.S. debug mode to show the final areas because it basically has the same things as the final release.)

April 2001 build:

Notice how the door has a much brighter color on the 810? Well this is exclusive to the prototype, as the U.S. / Final release has the color be much darker like the other doors

U.S. build / Final release:


Entering the door in the April build will take you to a big empty area that is completely different looking than anything in the building

April build:


Room 809 also has the same exact room too:


U.S. build / Final release:

Entering the rooms will give you rooms that are much closer to all the other rooms in the Yellow Head Building



Edit: I found a bunch a rooms in the building with the same empty area. My theory is that these are placeholder rooms that weren't finished yet.


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The plank section in Ghost Hall is broken. Ryo walks on no planks and is upside down.



Failing the QTE sends Ryo upwards:


I was messing with some of the flag checks and I don't know if it caused this, but when entering the Stonepit, I almost got a heart attack.

Welcome to ShenHell!




Maybe this is Redream acting up, but I don't see why, as Redream has never given me a problem, but I had to post this as it was too funny not to post.
I think you’re right about the big empty rooms being placeholders- you get the same thing with Room 409 in the Three Birds Bldg- this is the room Ryo and Ren go into while handcuffed and then find the staircase up to the roof. In normal gameplay in the final this room is always locked (and you just get a big black void if you manage to glitch your way behind the door)- but in this prototype the door is open and you get the same big empty room as in your Yellow Head Bldg. shots
Zhangyu's shop is simply called BarBer's Shop on the signs here - this quirk with the word 'BarBer's also applies to the Lucky Charm and Lee Barber Shops.

The signage for Man Mo Antiques is different - here the shop's name is all capitalised, unlike the final (this also applies to the sign directing to it in the South Carmain Qr.)

The sign reads 'Man Mo Apartment', as opposed to 'Apartments' - this also applies to the Yan Tin and Da Yuan Apartments in this prototype:

The camera angles for the cutscene where Zongquan gives you the letter are completely different (also the letter appears to be invisible!)
screenshot362.png screenshot363.png

The scenes where Hanhui gives you a move scroll are unfinished - as is often the case in this prototype, there are no voices, just the subtitle text - and Hanhui has no mouth movement. The camera angles are also completely different.

As I believe @James Brown mentioned in the stream, the photo of Xiuying and Ziming depicts the concept art of it, presumably as a placeholder (this was previously found in the files of the final game):

The teapot Fangmei uses in the infamous 'look like a cat' scene is different (proto first, final second):
fangmei final teapot.png