S3 Dreamcast/Xbox


Jan 14, 2024
Currently playing
Shenmue III
Apologies if this has come up before, but I was curious - do we know if any of Shenmue 3 was produced in any form alongside 1&2 or immediately afterward?

Like prototype or pitching stage material kind of thing? Or just very early stage stuff?

Or did the series pretty much just completely stall once 2 was complete until the Kickstarter? Aside from City/Online of course.
There was absolutely nothing was done for Shenmue 3. YS told Ryan Peyton as much.

This Miao Village work was intended to be connected to the South Carmain quarter in Hong Kong.

When YS was working on Shenmue 2 he knew it was the end so he decided to make the ending a magical mind trip of lights and floating swords in the hopes of making people want a sequel.

Then YS gaslit us by ignoring all the magical shit at the end of S2. He probably had NO freaking idea on how to actually follow up on the magic so just swept it under the rug
There was absolutely nothing was done for Shenmue 3. YS told Ryan Peyton as much.

This Miao Village work was intended to be connected to the South Carmain quarter in Hong Kong.

When YS was working on Shenmue 2 he knew it was the end so he decided to make the ending a magical mind trip of lights and floating swords in the hopes of making people want a sequel.

Then YS gaslit us by ignoring all the magical shit at the end of S2. He probably had NO freaking idea on how to actually follow up on the magic so just swept it under the rug
Gaslit? Are you insane?
Thanks for the replies - just wondered whether it was even attempted or just NOPE not happening until 2015. Was curious if there was how much it would’ve resembled S3 as we know it, even if there was only a minimal amount known/made. I guess it would’ve been pretty similar, at the beginning at least, based on the screenshots of Miao Village, as even if it was cut from the second game maybe would’ve been reused in some form had S3 followed in 2003 or whatever.

For the record I love the third game as much as the first two.
Gaslit? Are you insane?
Isn't the definition of gaslighting re-writing history?

The sword DID float and all of a sudden YS said "No it didn't."

Maybe gaslit was too harsh a word... I replace it with "retroactively changed his mind".

It's hard to explain but the reason I was so looking forward to S3 was that Ryo and Shenhua would exist in a world knowing that magic exists. How would Ryo behave in a world where he has literally seen a super natural event? Would he still buy capsule toys and play lucky hit knowing that magic exists?

I think a lot of people were expecting answers to the floating sword and now we just need to "pretend" it didn't happen??
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But this ending works very well and is really effective. We can't give up on shenmue after all these years. :)

It reminded me a bit of the mystical elements from the tomb raider games. Lara has to place an object in a certain place and the whole wall starts moving. Is it magic or is it some kind of unique old mechanism...? How it works? No one knows, but it's cool. I never thought there was magic in the world of Lara or Indiana Jones. I mean, not magic in the real sense of the word, but rather some mystical powers that have somehow remained hidden all these years. There are elements of a fairy tale, but those elements will be more superficially presented in my opinion. We'll see I hope. :)

The sword raised in the air could be a visual trick or the whole scene could have a figurative/metaphorical meaning.
It’s all vague and unclear at the minute anyway, I kind of like having the mystery still hanging there. That is not to say that I wouldn’t give the mystery up in a second to have it revealed in Shenmue 4.
Wasn't there a DC engine screencap of Niao Sun floating around? I tend to think of that and Miao Village as stuff that would've been used for a DC S3 at least.
The sword raised in the air could be a visual trick or the whole scene could have a figurative/metaphorical meaning.
Or like ancient romans inside the Antro della Sibilla/The Cave of The Sybil, inhalating toxic fumes made them see all kind of shenanigans. The rocks inside the cave have a green glow indicating the presence of fluorite so I bet Ryo and Shenhua were into mind altered state because the fluor emanations.
Isn't the definition of gaslighting re-writing history?

The sword DID float and all of a sudden YS said "No it didn't."

Maybe gaslit was too harsh a word... I replace it with "retroactively changed his mind".

It's hard to explain but the reason I was so looking forward to S3 was that Ryo and Shenhua would exist in a world knowing that magic exists. How would Ryo behave in a world where he has literally seen a super natural event? Would he still buy capsule toys and play lucky hit knowing that magic exists?

I think a lot of people were expecting answers to the floating sword and now we just need to "pretend" it didn't happen??
Not really. To gaslight someone is to attempt to make someone doubt their memories, understanding or certain details of events. You're not far off though; you have a general idea of what gaslighting is. It just isn't really the correct usage (and the definition isn't re-writing history).

What Yu Suzuki did was a simple retcon, nothing more.
There were screenshots of a seemingly playable build of Bailu Village ( then called "Miao Village ") on DC but I don't think much else was ever done.

Sorry for being late to the party. Do you know if the screenshots can still be found online? I have never been able to find anything solid about the initial version of S3 for the Dreamcast.

I have always assumed until now that they never started developing S3 in the early 2000s because they knew that S2 was the end.
Sorry for being late to the party. Do you know if the screenshots can still be found online? I have never been able to find anything solid about the initial version of S3 for the Dreamcast.

I have always assumed until now that they never started developing S3 in the early 2000s because they knew that S2 was the end.
It was confirmed that this was part of Shenmue 2's development.
I see. Thanks for the info @spud1897 . Was not aware of that as well. I really need to dig deeper into very interesting development history of S1 and 2.
Regarding Miao Village, @Switch wrote some great blog posts about its origins (with help from investigate work done by LanDC):

[Part Eight] The Secret of Miao Village: Dialogue Revelations & Sequence of Events

[Part Nine] The Secret of Miao Village: Dialogue Revelations & Sequence of Events (Cont.)

From the Dorimaga interview leading up to the Japanese release of Shenmue II, it seems clear that no real development work was done on any kind of Shenmue III. Would've loved to have seen it on the original Xbox (the reason I bought that console back in the day).
Wasn't there a DC engine screencap of Niao Sun floating around? I tend to think of that and Miao Village as stuff that would've been used for a DC S3 at least.

She did appear in the Shenmue premire
