Potential Short Supply of Shenmue 1&2 HD

Done and done. Early birds get the worms. Late owls get the scowls...

But the second mouse gets the cheese. Sorry, just had to, my grandparents have coffee mugs with one "early bird" and the other a "second mouse".

Fun aside, I do hope people get exposure, especially new players. I've got some extra copies of the PS4 but to give away to peeps too young to have experienced our fever yet (mainly cousins, niece, younger gamer co-workers). Shenmue has zero cover in Norway. Nada. Nilch. I want a new generation to care. It's selfish of course, I want Shenmue III to be a hit, but a nice kind of selfish ?
Thank you so much for the link. A little off topic but still, thanks! I bought Panzer Saga back in 1998 and it pains me that not more people have played it.
PsuedoSaturn is a godsend when it comes to playing this game lol
I think it's gonna sell much more than Sega anticipated, and that can only spell good things for Shenmue's future.

Thank you so much for the link. A little off topic but still, thanks! I bought Panzer Saga back in 1998 and it pains me that not more people have played it.

Same here. I lucked out. Got my Saturn for $50 from Sears around the time PDS and a few other rare ones were just coming out, and I was well aware PDS was supposed to be very good. They were selling the console like it was completely dead, but a few gems had still yet to come out.
Sega will potentially be in the situation Nintendo was a couple of years ago with the NES mini, hopefully they take the same approach and produce a second run to meet the demand.

It definitely shouldn't really be a matter of asking fans to restrict how many copies of the game they want to buy, at the end of the day Ultimately I would like Sega to see 100% of the stock sold out immediately and take notice.
PsuedoSaturn is a godsend when it comes to playing this game lol
That is very true! That is how I have been playing Radiant Silvergun because I could never justify spending that much money for a SHMUP, even a really good one. Now more people need to buy Saturns!
I think it's gonna sell much more than Sega anticipated, and that can only spell good things for Shenmue's future.

Same here. I lucked out. Got my Saturn for $50 from Sears around the time PDS and a few other rare ones were just coming out, and I was well aware PDS was supposed to be very good. They were selling the console like it was completely dead, but a few gems had still yet to come out.
I used to buy games from Sears quite often too. For me to get PDS I had to call a ton of stores before finding the last copy in stock at a Toys R Us in another city.

If Shenmue sells quickly then we all hopr that Sega would take notice and print more copies right away.
Shenmue is a niche game with a small fanbase. Yes, it is large for what it is but not compared to megaton releases. A game like Shenmue will average only a couple reservations per store, some a few more than others.

Usually, games like this are very low supply in mainstream retail. GameStop will typically only order a few past the reservations, if any at all, for walk-in customers.

Allocation is based on reservations, as GameStop uses it as a measurement of interest in the title for that store or area.

Atlas and NiS games were notoriously short supply in my time there and I imagine this will follow suit.

People used to malign GameStop employees for saying "We may not have it in stock unless you pre-order", but it is ABSOLUTELY true for smaller games like this.