It would be possible create a contrast/lightning mod equal to Dreamcast version?

Sep 7, 2018
The game it's sometimes too dark, and i edit the contrast and light values of the game and the monitor, and i see improvement, but sometimes the colours are a little affected and not are like in the original. It would be possible to do this?

Thank you very much.
By lighting, do you mean shadows? If so...


Regarding the graphics, the Dreamcast GPU had some powerful and unique features not found on modern cards. The two features which caused us the most headaches were the modifier volumes used for shadows and light volumes, and the ability to sort transparent geometry on a per pixel level. The lack of modifier volumes on our target platforms led us to use a hybrid stencil shadow approach similar to the Xbox version of Shenmue 2. This is different to the original and artefacts can occasionally be seen because of this.
No, i mean the contrast, the game it's too dark, and if i alter the contrast by the game or the tv options, the colous change, for example, much yellow in some situations. The thing would be an mod that respect the original Dreamcast contrast and colours or at least aproximate it.

I see, thanks for the explanation.
No, i mean the contrast, the game it's too dark, and if i alter the contrast by the game or the tv options, the colous change, for example, much yellow in some situations.
The darkness problem was fixed in the patch a few weeks ago. Are you saying that you still think it's wrong even with the patches, or are you not running a patched copy of the game?
I didn't notice any change in that. I'm play with the game on steam with the last official patch (i didn't try the last beta patch).