How old are you?

29. 30 in March, and fully intend on not remembering the two weeks prior or after.

Also, bollocks to having kids @Peter, I can only manage bein in the same room as my nephews for five minutes before I wanna down a glass/cyanide cocktail.
Hurray for Staplepuffs! You are, as of now, the "young one". And 24 is not quite teenager but it's great to see that there is a generation after ours that picked up on Shenmue!
Jesus christ! Imagine bein in your 30s on a forum with a loada kids creating drama over signatures and video game trivia ???
30... and boy do I feel it sometimes haha.

Incredible that I’m sat reading the dojo at 30, thinking about a new Shenmue game coming out.

Didn’t imagine that would be the case back in 1999 when I was 12 ?, doing exactly the same thing
33 in September. Was 15 when playing Shenmue for the first time, which is probably the perfect age...
35. I joined SD when I was 20 in 2003. There was a time Masterkyodi (sorry forgot his name sorta) and Juanfran were the oldest members at like 25 then Silas was the oldest member who was in his mid to late 30s.
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I'm 29. It's funny, when I first joined the dojo when I was about 13 I assumed everybody was quite a bit older than me for some reason but it seems that isn't really the case.
I'm 37 (will be 38 next month). In between the time of the releases of Shenmue 2 and 3, I have gotten married, had 4 kids, moved across the country 3 times, and bought and sold 2 houses.

It's kind of odd being almost 40 years old. I don't feel it! I can still do front flips and the Gears of War dive roll lol.
wow this place is basically a retirement home. No wonder you all sound so old and bitter.
Let's see... Divide by 2... Carry the 1.. Multiply by the number of deities..

Hmm. I guess I fall around 30, or 13.8 billion years old, depending on how you look at it.