Ryo Hazuki in Smash Bros, would you like it?

....You know, imagining Princess Peach and Luigi whooping Ryo's ass with banana guns while the Shenmue theme plays in the background still wouldn't sit right with me ;-)

TBH I think this would blend together perfectly. Every character from SSB uses moves that they use in there own particular franchise. I could easily see Ryo pulling a winning can from his jacket throwing and hitting Mario and sending him flying. Or manifesting a soccer ball and kicking someone in the face with it like Charlie. He already has the Akira Yuki moves and his Ultimate Smash Move could be a QTE chain. It'd be hilarious to see Ryo use a forklift to propel himself back on screen after getting blasted away. It would be interesting if the Shenmue community rallied around this and petitioned to Nintendo.
Ryo Hazuki mod made by BitPieStudios

Ryo in Smash Bros in a official way would be really nice.
TBH I think this would blend together perfectly. Every character from SSB uses moves that they use in there own particular franchise. I could easily see Ryo pulling a winning can from his jacket throwing and hitting Mario and sending him flying. Or manifesting a soccer ball and kicking someone in the face with it like Charlie. He already has the Akira Yuki moves and his Ultimate Smash Move could be a QTE chain. It'd be hilarious to see Ryo use a forklift to propel himself back on screen after getting blasted away. It would be interesting if the Shenmue community rallied around this and petitioned to Nintendo.
I imagined Xiuying coming in Ryo's Final Smash to save him from being beaten or as a memory making him remember he needs to concentrate to reach the serene state of mind he needs to win lol