One Hour Meeting


Man Mo Journeyman
Jul 27, 2018
United States
Favourite title
Shenmue II
Currently playing
Persona 5
If you had the chance to meet anyone past or present, dead or alive and had one hour to speak with them, who would it be and what would you talk about?

I would speak with Dr. Benjamin Franklin and use my time to best explain the advancements we've made in technology and our current politics, ask his opinions on it and how he would improve it from his personal perspective and the perspective of his era.
Hunter S. Thompson. It would be a brilliant wild ride and I would love to hear him go on about Trump and the rest of the world... and I'm sure he would bring some heavy drugs. Not that I'm much into that, but when you meet "the Doctor" there will be substances involved...
If I could monopolize the time of anyone throughout history for one whole hour I would choose Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, or anyone of those middle aged tech billionaires on a mission to change the world. As soon as the meeting began I'd give them an ultimatum "For a cool 10 million you can end this pointless meeting with little old me and get back to making progress on taking over/destroying/saving the world. Say no and the next hour will be the worst 60 minutes of your life." My "idol" will make the obvious decision, maybe after bargaining me down a couple million. You know how their kind are. With the transaction made, my "hero" will leave with 55 minutes of precious time saved and I with my makeshift make-a-wish granted. I'll open an account with Vanguard and move to Singapore or some exotic tax haven where I'll live out the rest of my days basking in sun and dividends.
My dad. He died a couple of months after I was born, so I'd like to get to know him as far as one-hour would allow, reassure him he did the best he could, and let him know I've done the things he always wanted to do but couldn't.

Yikes, that turned heavy really quick.
My maternal grandmother. She passed away 10 years before I was born and I would have loved to have gotten to know her first hand.

Bruce and Brandon Lee. Just talk about philosophy, life and martial arts

Yu Suzuki. Just talk about games and technology
Jessica Alba, circa 2000. And there wouldn't be much talking.
Nikola Tesla.

I would want to see everything he was working on before his death. Rumor has it he was working on an invention which would transform the electricity in the ionosphere to usable energy for humans, which would provide unlimited (and free) electricity to everyone on Earth. This project was reportedly killed by JP Morgan who couldn't find a way to make money on the project (huge jerk). He was also reportedly working on an actual time machine.

Thomas Edison is a wannabe Tesla.
Roald Dahl, as a gift to my 7-year old self who wanted to write him to thank him for the gift of enjoying to read only to be told he had passed away three years hence. ? (And to teenager me who got into writing clever, gory short stories because of his amazing ones, mwuhaha, I can't make a leg of lamb roast without thinking of what a perfect murder weapon it would make).
God. If there is one. So much to discuss in that hour.

That would be assuming God is an external entity who has all the answers. I believe that the reality is that God is within all of us and the answers are already there if we dig deep enough into our consciousness.
That would be assuming God is an external entity who has all the answers. I believe that the reality is that God is within all of us and the answers are already there if we dig deep enough into our consciousness.

I tend to think of god as all around us not just within but it's really just a hypothetical meeting on my part. I'd like to know some answers, not all (since life would be boring if we knew everything).
My grandfather, he was exiled from Greece.
My father never knew him. But
To find out more of my family's history and how he escaped firing squads, being framed for murder, and other info that I can cram in an hour.
Colonel Sanders. It'd be less of a conversation and more of an extreme interrogation, of course. Unless he knows what's good for him.
In terms of video games Gunpei Yokoi a man who very rarely interviewed I just want to know what made him the way he was, the way he thought.
In terms of video games Gunpei Yokoi a man who very rarely interviewed I just want to know what made him the way he was, the way he thought.

It was sad to hear about him dying in a tragic car accident after his latest innovation; the Virtual Boy failed to sell well. Ironically, I LOVED the Virtual Boy and purchased every game for it.
If I had an hour of free time I'd rather spend it by myself honestly...