Lets ask Sega for the unreleased Remaster beta assets and tools so we can mod Shenmue like never before

Jul 27, 2018
As you all know by now, Shenmue was getting the Halo Anniversary treatment with a fully fleshed out remaster with an option to toggle original and HD graphics.

Sega themselves has a great track record with allowing people to mod their games, and in the case of d3t's previous work on the Mega Drive/Genesis Collection on Steam, the ability to upload and share fully edited rom hacks with others on Steam. Sega tends to allow fan projects to thrive as well.

What I am proposing, is we create a massive Tweetathon similar to the #SaveShenmue Tweetwathon of years past. With enough support, I think those could truly be a way for us to not only be allowed to use the assets from the canceled remaster, but also ask them for the development tools for the actual games. It seems far fetched sure, but look at how far we have already come and how much has changed in our favor!

The main reason to do this is to preserve the files for future generations foremost, but to also see how far we can push Shenmue modding ourselves on the PC to have the ultimate remaster we always dreamed of. People seem to forget how far modders can work on pure passion alone. When something is made from the heart, and not for profit, it can be so much more. Just look at some of those Skyrim mods out there.

We need a catchy hashtag phrase(#SaveShenmueRemaster?), and a good write-up in 140 characters or less. So lets get to brainstorming before we start bugging Sega to do us this one last solid.
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I don't care if it was 59.99 THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN what came out.
Honestly, I just wanted good ports similar to what they did but far better in execution... I would have paid $60 per game for that alone...

But this actual remaster idea is cool too, and I would have bought it just for the novelty and to support the series...
Ask them for the development tools for the actual games.

We already have pretty much all the dev tools they used to put the remasters together. Only things we’re missing are A) assets and we don’t really need those and B) engine source which... well that’s just not gonna happen. These remasters made pretty good use of mod tools