Favourite Video Game Locations?


Used to be Cyclonus
Aug 2, 2018
South east London
Thought it might have been interesting for everyone to share some of their favourite fictional locations that exist solely within video games. Whether they're cities, islands, whatever. Be nice to see what makes everyone tick aesthetically.

A few that spring to mind for me are

Dark City Treno from Final Fantasy IX

I always thought it hit the balance of the more affluent areas of a city compared to the destitute areas really well whilst keeping a same identity overall. But then maybe I just really liked all of the marble buildings.


Irithyll Of The Boreal Valley from Dark Souls 3

Cold, blue, and spooky. I remember being afraid of going anywhere at all when I first arrived in this area. Mostly because I knew that someone was going to kill me instantly.


Illium from Mass Effect 2
I always really loved the design of the city from a modern Science Fiction point of view. I liked how it felt busy and like a real high-class crime-filled city


Off the top of my head (and because it's kinda late) these were the first few examples I could think of in regards to places that really stick out in my mind. But I would definitely be interested to see other people's favourite places from their favourite games. If it would interest you to share, that is.
Kattelox Island

I'm going to go with Silent Hill.


There's just something about the snow, fog, solitude and silence that I find oddly relaxing about, at least in the fog world anyway.

Its also the location that peaks my curiosity the most because of how shrouded in mystery it is, particularly in its history and the town's weird religion.

Its almost a character itself, having a kind of sentience to manifest aspects of a character's psyche or draw outsiders into it so they can face their fears. I find that fascinating.
Twenty years ago I'd have said Mobius, but now apparently that doesn't exist (even as fiction), so nothing matters anymore. We live in the shadow times. Everything is nothing and nothing is for certain. I am the walrus. The cake is a lie.
Core Prime and Temblor from Total Annihilation (by far my most-played worlds in single-player Skirmishes).

Core Prime is an all-metal world, with metallic water (acts like regular water, otherwise), which Temblor is a slate world (ie: all solid ground is slate) that is inundated with thick, puffy clouds and take place at the top of super-tall mountains, above the clouds. Can't link pics because at work, but they are just fun maps to romp around on and require different strategies.

Five Stars Corp is my favourite location in 'mue II and arguably in all games (same with the basement the dojo), but since those are in real life (just fictionalised), they don't count.

Bay Area in Final Fight is up there for me, as the music and visuals really convey a waterside location, with the washroom stalls adding some realism. Abigail is also fought here and he's probably the boss fight I enjoy the most.
Twenty years ago I'd have said Mobius, but now apparently that doesn't exist (even as fiction), so nothing matters anymore. We live in the shadow times. Everything is nothing and nothing is for certain. I am the walrus. The cake is a lie.

Hey now, brown cow?

Can't believe I forgot the abandoned castle in Ico. I'm ashamed... :/