Recent content by TainoAldo174

  1. T

    Random Shenmue Thoughts

    Is there any plan to release the duck in the US? 🥲
  2. T

    Shenmue The Animation Announced

    This is huge... and can only help the Shenmue series moving forward. Super excited!
  3. T

    Battle Rally DLC next week!

    I usually don't buy DLC content - even for fighting games which at this point in gaming is pretty much essential for the experience and even competing. But, I'm still buying this DLC just to support the game.
  4. T

    Where to pre-order Shenmue 3

    Thanks for mentioning this, just placed my pre-order. November is right around the corner, can't wait!
  5. T

    Where to pre-order Shenmue 3

    My order hasn't been confirmed yet...I guess the GameStop exclusives all ran out?
  6. T

    Where to pre-order Shenmue 3

    Thank you for posting this, just placed my order!
  7. T

    What if Shenmue 3 Fails?

    Lol been here since Shenmue II came out, I ain't going nowhere anytime soon.
  8. T

    Yu Suzuki interview: Shenmue Dojo & Team Yu @ MAGIC 2019

    I'm super excited! We're so close...I can't believe it!
  9. T

    EDGE Magazine Cover Story: Shenmue 3

    Tried getting a copy online, apparently they're sold out? Does anybody know if I can find a physical copy in NYC?
  10. T

    Amazon Shipping Delay

    August 27th- 29th for me, also preordered. Honestly, should have just tried to buy digital or get it from a local mom 'n pop shop.
  11. T

    Wich games have been remotely able to surprise you as Shenmue did?

    Shenmue is undeniably number 1 for me. But other games that left me with that "wow" factor are: 1.Shenmue 2.Mystical Ninja 64 3.Jet Grind Radio 4. Mario 64 5. StarFox 64
  12. T

    I did it! I pre-ordered Shenmue I & II!

    Excellent, glad to see people excited about Shenmue!
  13. T

    Your shenmue discovery story

    Wow this was such a long time ago...I'm 28 now..and the first time I got my hands on Shenmue was for the Dreamcast back in like 2002. I had a friend who was watching this local channel here in New York City called "MNN" and the channel had a local show of some random dude in the Bronx doing...