Recent content by pomegd

  1. pomegd


    This is a full page of the notepad. Some of the items are not mentioned due to branching, but almost all of them are filled in. There are a number of differences from the final ver. but there is no entry about the missing story like in Miao Village. Also, there are typos and shaky notations. For...
  2. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    I've organized the story in chronological order. Forgive me if it's not in English:crying:
  3. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    ---------- 70;9167;9177;F2153A037;RYO_;A037;武林書って本、知らないかな? 71;9212;9222;F2153B037;SIZ_;B037;武林書?ああ、あの難しそうな本? 72;9263;9273;F2153A038;RYO_;A038;知ってるのか? 73;9294;9304;F2153B038;SIZ_;B038;書庫にあるよ。この間の大掃除のときに見かけたんだ。 74;9364;9374;F2153A039;RYO_;A039;書庫に… 75;9389;9399;F2153A040;RYO_;A040;武林書ってどんな本なんだ?...
  4. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    Xiaoqin was probably trying to ride an adult bicycle. ---------- MII_STDL うわーん! RYO_STDL 大丈夫か!? RYO_STDL まだ小さいから無理だよ。 HKJ_STDL なんと心のおやさしい… HKJ_STDL おそれいります。 RYO_STDL いえ… HKJ_STDL お若い方… HKJ_STDL ひとつ頼みがあるんじゃが。 RYO_STDL 頼みというと… HKJ_STDL...
  5. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    Regarding the bear QTE. This conversation about the bear is present in the final version, but perhaps this is foreshadowing the QTE. ---------- 931;67722;67732;K2006A437;RYO_;A437;昨日、狼がいるって言ってたな。 932;67769;67779;K2006B495;SIN_;B495;うん。この山には、狼も…熊もいる。...
  6. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    If GEKAN means "second volume," then the Wulinshu has an first volume. In other words, the Man Mo Temple has the first volume, while Miao village has the second volume. These two books would make a complete set.
  7. pomegd

    Many Mysteries Of Miao Village Finally Unfold

    The reason we are looking for the pharmacy is because the entrance to the mountain road leading to Miao Village is near that pharmacy. ---------- 89;10803;10813;F2145A048;RYO_;A048;苗村に行きたいんですが… 90;10844;10854;F2145B042;KOO_;B042;苗村?失礼ですが、観光でございますか? 91;10902;10912;F2145A049;RYO_;A049;いえ、人を探してて…...