Recent content by kpcart

  1. kpcart

    A Shenmue Story - New Shenmue Journey from George Kitchen!

    playing this today made me login to this page for the first time since shenmue 3 came out. It is fantastic! very nostalgic feelings of playing shenmue back over 20 years ago.
  2. kpcart

    Big Merry Cruise DLC releases on March 17th

    yeh me too, I didn't do any gambling/games unless needed in the main game.
  3. kpcart

    Big Merry Cruise DLC releases on March 17th

    I haven't played the dlc, but I hope the cruise ship has people on it. all the gambling/gaming places are empty of civilians in the game, which looks really weird.
  4. kpcart

    Is Yu Suzuki out of touch with gaming standards?

    I cant be bothered reading all the pages of this thread, there are some small minded people posting that need to get over themselves. I would understand the nitpicking if they donated $100,000 to the kickstarter campaign, apart from that it seems like some people log onto the internet to be jerks.
  5. kpcart

    Is Yu Suzuki out of touch with gaming standards?

    I find it ironic how some gamers say Shenmue 3 is out of touch with modern gaming standards, and websites like IGN give it a poor score, yet at the same time, players are playing things like Minecraft, plus heaps of new 2d side scrollers built in retro style, that get ridiculous high scores on...
  6. kpcart

    Greatest/Your favourite cutscene from the Shenmue series?

    I actually really liked Ren throwing the fake mirror out the window after he saved Ryo's life. a real FU to lan di!
  7. kpcart

    General Impressions

    My first comment. I used to write on this forum back about 18 years ago. I backed Shenmue 3 and felt it was a worthy sequal, and am happy the story didn't end. I really liked Shenmue 3, I just finished it after playing it slowly for 3 months. Im a bit sad it ended, as ps4 says only 17%...