Recent content by kidSEGA93

  1. K

    Japanese Samurai/Imperial China Games

    Hello;)! Have you ever heard about Nobunaga's Ambition or Romance of Three Kingdom? These strategy games are so huge and time consuming, but they are worth it. I can highly recommend this series,you can even start your journey from the first nobunaga which was released on SNES. But before you...
  2. K

    Shenmue fan game

    Truly stunning work, don't give up my friend!
  3. K

    An annoucement about shenmue is coming ?

    Due to the all recent information from Dusk Golem I can only imagine that it's gonna be Shenmue anime series. And maybe they even reveal in this anime famous Boat Chapter / Ryo vs Chai. Maybe...What else can it be? Shenmue board game LOL!?
  4. K

    An annoucement about shenmue is coming ?

    Hello guys! I have not been writing anything on ShenmueDojo for a long time. We got Shenmue 3 on all platforms except Xbox One. So, in my own opinion it may be announce of Xbox version. Honestly, it would make me very happy because sound level of Xbox One cooling system is more pleasant if we...
  5. K

    Little things you love in Shenmue 3

    When I was gathering flowers somewhere in the center of Niaowu suddenly I heard a strange uncommon sound. I turned around and it was AC which hanged on the wall behind of shop. This small detail reminds me that I'm playing true Shenmue game :love:
  6. K

    Games You Like if You Like Shenmue

    No one didn't mention Way of the Samurai 3 and 4. WotS is very niche and in some way close to mue in sense of very unique gameplay experience. You live the life of samurai and game doesn't help you with anything. This game different then mue for sure but in authentic meaning it's mind-blowing...
  7. K

    2019 - How was your year?

    In brief: - Passed driving test and now I'm driving my fathers' car. The car is very helpful when you need to do some household things like go shopping etc.. - Sadly but I broke with my girlfriend this year. That was the most hardest desicion for me; - At the end of this year (In November)...
  8. K

    Describe Shenmue in one sentence.

    When Zatoichi meets early Jackie Chan
  9. K

    Who's playing Shenmue 3 slowly?

    I'm too very early into Niaowu. When I was progressing through Bailu I didn't finish the fishing tournament and only cought blue catfish before it ended. Furthermore, I want to add that in Bailu I didn't collect all capsule toys and exchangeable prizes and also herbs. So right now I'm thinking...
  10. K

    Shenmue 3 Sales

    Thank you for your answer. It is really hard to grab one of them.
  11. K

    Shenmue 3 Sales

    How often do they tweet codes? Once per day?