Recent content by Dave S Cramer

  1. Dave S Cramer

    How many of you that have kids are excited about introducing them to Shenmue?

    I have a son who was 3 when the first one came out. He loved watching me play and we had a wonderful bonding experience. Now I have a 6 year old daughter who loves to watch and play games and I am SO excited to introduce this to her. Yes, I could have shown her the Dreamcast and Xbox versions...
  2. Dave S Cramer

    What controls will you use.

    I've played through I and II enough times with the old controls that I'll use the new ones.
  3. Dave S Cramer

    I really hope that SEGA brings out some new Shenmue merchandise to go along with the re-releases

    My god I'd love new Shenmue merchandise. Shenmue coming back is like a dream come true!
  4. Dave S Cramer

    Shenmue Orchestra Version - Will this ever be re-released?!

    Hopefully with the rerelease of I and II and with the upcoming III, things like this will be rereleased as well. Let's hope!
  5. Dave S Cramer

    Shenmue I & II - which voice language will you all choose?

    Corey Marshall's voice is SO good I can't imagine playing it in anything other than English.