Has no manual been confirmed?


Sega Game Gear Enthusiast
Jul 27, 2018
Beginings of Dystopian Hell
Currently playing
Helldivers 2 (PS5), God of War: R (PS5)
Hey all,

Just wondering if it has been confirmed if this collection is getting an instruction manual? Should we assume as no games have instruction manuals anymore that we shouldn't expect one for this either?

Sure, we all know how to play but it would be nice to have.
I wouldn't count on it. Manuals are a huge rarity nowadays sadly. At least we're getting a cool poster in its place though!
Physical manual is pretty much guaranteed to not be a thing however, they could include a digital manual you can read on a web browser.
It's not the same. :crying:
Dude im with you 100 percent. I hate the reliance on digital and internet when it comes to a lot of aspects of video games. Now you got stuff like the Spyro remasters requiring you to download 2 games even with the physical version. It sucks.

I'm still super grateful these Shenmue re releases are even getting physical versions though. Sega could have EASILY gone the cheaper route and made it a digital download only through PSN/Xbox Live. Sucks PC isn't getting a physical version though.
I thought going paperless was meant to be a good thing... ?
A good game manual can be a real work of art. Even if you don't actually read them for instructions, it's great to have an overview of the story and few highlights about the game you might not otherwise be aware of. Shenmue's manual was no different in this regard, that first page explaining the meaning and philosophy behind 'Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment' really set the tone of Shenmue for me.

As for Shenmue 3? I think it's unlikely we'll actually get a manual. They just aren't common practise in the industry anymore. Even a special game like Shenmue 3 probably won't buck this trend.
The manual was always the first place I would check for the controls and other game info. It's a lot easier and quicker to flip over a page than it is hunting through the games menus to find it.

The UK Dreamcast version of Shenmue II came with two manuals featuring a total of four languages.
It's a shame that games these days are going paperless, because I actually liked reading through a manual as I was on the bus home from the store with the game. If we're lucky there'll be a small slip give the default controls on them, but that's about it.
Because the game has reversible cover art: you can bet your butt there's going to be a seperate health and safety pamphlet sheet! Take your wins where you can get 'em I say! ?

But seriously, I'm glad for the reversible cover art and the reversible poster, the latter will give it some heft and makes for an overall great physical package. Since I'll be getting both platform versions: I'll have each one showing a different cover. It's the little things...
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I can't even remember the last game that had a manual! Something from the X-box 360/PS3 era? - even then they were down to health warnings and 1 page of controls.

I'm more surprised that we are getting a regular physical edition when there are no special editions (coming to the West - I know Japan gets one a few months after the US/EU release - again why?). I would of thought they would of churned out special editions with merch stuff. Surely they know the level of hardcore fans of Shenmue (they funded S3 with an average of $91.36 per person!) - think artwork, additional content, soundtracks, capsule toys etc. etc.

But hey this is Sega!
Games still have manuals - they're just in digital form now. Most games include a file on the disc (or included in the download) that describes everything the manual would've done, as well as containing legal information.

Nowhere near as lavish as they used to be, though.